Chapter 4

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(Yixing P.O.V)

Everyone is now awake and we are eating breakfast but for some reason Baek is ignoring me did i do something wrong did he know i was cuddling him this morning

I some what felt sad and my heart ached as he was ignoring me he didn't even look at me it was like i don't exist to him but then again he somehow looks really sad but i don't know why

(Baek P.O.V)

My plan is this i don't talk to him i rather sit with the others talk to them just ignore him and not looking at his face it breaks my heart to do this to him but i have to

I will also make a excuse to go stay with my parents when we return home it is for the best

Baekhyun Fighting!! I kept cheering mentally so i can continue my plan

(Chanyeol P.O.V)

Since this morning Baek hyung has been acting really weird like he is trying to hide something he looks sad and he is ignoring Yixing hyung

I think i must confront him about this after breakfast so i need to get him alone so i then decided to ask him to go on a walk

"Baek Hyung do you want to go on a walk with me after breakfast?" He nodded but not as excited as always something is definitely not okay

After breakfast we left the house walking around he was looking down at his feet not looking up

I cleared my throat and said "ah hyung is everything okay you know you can tell me" he looked at me with tears welling up in his puppy eyes

He then said "no no its not Chanyeol love sucks why did i fall for him of all people why him?" And just like that he broke down in tears

He then said "I'm moving home again when we go home" i shook my head this won't do I'm not going to let him run away without facing the problem at hand

"No hyung you aren't you are already making Xing hyung feel like he did something you don't have the guts to tell him you love him it's not his fault your his best friend he needs you and you need him so put on your big boy pants and stop it"

He looked at me shocked i never talk to him or anyone in that matter this way i just had enough he is so scared and i never pushed him to do it i always told him he can come to me when needed but now it's time he grows up and do it on his own

He needs to face the fact that Yixing might or might not like him and by running away from it he will never know so it's time to do the right thing and let him go into this war even if he gets hurt he can survive

(Baek P.O.V)

His words struck hard am i really making Yixing think he did something wrong 'of course you idiot why else would someone just ignore you' i mentally facepalm myself

He is right i need to grow up i need to just accept he may not like me or he may but only time can tell that love comes at the time it is needed the most they say so i should start believing it

(Yixing P.O.V)

When Baek and Chan returned from there walk Baekhyun was himself again happy and energetic but i still wanted to talk to Kyungsoo and Suho i need to know why my heart keeps beating fast every time Baek is near me

I saw Kyung and Suho talking to i went over to them and said "how about we go out to get coffee i need to ask some questions well more like i need help"

They looked at me a bit confused but nodded anyway we told everyone we will be back soon and quickly left when we got to the café

We ordered and went to sit down Kyung thensaid "so you said you needed help with what??"

I looked at them and said "what does it mean when you are close a a certain person and your heartbeats faster and your stomach makes flips kinda but when that person is not close you kinda feel lost"

Suho smiled and said "that is what we call love it means you are in love with the person who gives you that affect why? Do you feel that for someone"

Wait so no it can't be I'm not in love with him he is my best friend i don't love him in that way or maybe i do i don't know

I was snapped out of my fighting thoughts when i heard someone sayd "Yixing hello earthto xing are you there" i shook my head to get rid of the thoughts and see who was calling me

I saw Suho and Kyung looking at me weirdly and asked "hey xing you okay there?" I nodded and said i was fine and that they don't have to worry after that we finished our Coffee and headed back to the house since we will be leaving soon 

On the way back one thing played through my mind "it means your in love with that person" i think i might be in love with Baekhyun but he doesn't like guys right or does he Aishhh my mind is a mess but if i am i still have to hide it from him i don't want to make him uncomfortable 

(Suho P.O.V)

When he asked that i knew he is starting to realize he has feeling for someone and that someone will be Baekhyun finally he hasn't even realized that he loves Baek he is kinda oblivious to his own feelings but then again we don't even know if Baekhyun will like Yixing back 

Let's just hope for the best for these two shall we

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