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(Baek P.O.V)

"Come on Xing, Mina we are going to be late" i yelles at the two who are taking a life time to finish today we are meeting up with Chanyeol and the guys plus their families and our parents

I heard pacing footsteps followed by little giggles i shook my head and smiled when Yixing came running after Mina he scooped her up in his arms and span her around

I started laughing at how cute these two can be Yixing truely loves our little girl

(Yixing P.O.V)

I heard Baek asking saying we will be late if we don't hurry up so i quickly finished tieing little Mina's shoes she jumped up once i was done and ran away gigging i laughed and ran after her when i catched up i scooped her in my arma and span her around

When i stopped i grabbed the car keys and handed Mina to Baek if you're wonder who Mina is it is our little girl which we adopted about a year after our wedding she was about 5 months old when we got her she is now 4 years old full of energy and a bundle of sunshine

She makes us all so happy we are lucky to have her in our lives so back to now we are going to meet everyone today all the guys have finally gotten married and have their own little families also all adopted we will also be meeting our parents

So basically it's like a family meeting even my little adopted sister has gotten bigger now she is 16 and in high school and dating a guy named Mark Lee who i will be meeting today

I'm okay about it but i wish him luck with Kris we both care a lot about Na-eun....

We got in the car and drove to the park where we will be meeting when we got out of the car you could hear children's laughter i took Mina out of her carseat and put her on the ground she grabbed my and Baek's hands and dragged us into the park

When shebsaw her friends she screamed "Ji-sung oppa" we came to realize she likes Ji-sung he is currently 5 and he is Chan and Soo's little boy

She ran and hugged him and both their eyes shined bright...we are currently trying to adopt a little boy as well

We greeted everyone and just then my phone rang i answered when i saw it was the adoption agency "hello is this mister Zhang?" "Ah yes it is him" "congratulations sir you got him Daehyun is now your son you can come pick him up tomorrow thank you for giving another child a good home" "wah really omo thank you so much"

With that we hung up i walked over with a smile on my face i hugged my mom and said loudly so everyone could hear "mom your going to be a grandmother again" her face lit up and everyone smiled Baek was jumping around excited and Mina was looking at us confused i went to her and crouched down and took her hands and said "Mina you are going to be a noona are you excited" her eyes look like stars shining the minute she heard that

she went to Baek and started Jumping with him i looked at them and laughed Suho came over to me and said "if you didn't know you could've thought they are really father and daughter" i chuckled and nodded then a boy caught my eye i went over to Na-eun and back hugged her and said "so who do we have here" she smiled and said "Oppa meet Mark , Mark this is one of my big brothers the other one is over there playing with the little ones" she said pointing to Kris 

Mark smiled at me but his smile faded when he saw Kris i laughed and said "don't worry his bark is worse than his bite" he laughed and smiled again the rest of the day went on with joking around having family time and so on in these few years that passed was filled with happiness and joy i hope we can continue into the future like this 

i thought while looking at everyone as we got ready to leave the park to go home when we got home we all went to wash up then we all headed to bed all of us want to see Daehyunie tomorrow i can't wait 

(next day)

we arrived at the adoption agency we saw our social worker we walked over to her with Mina she helped us getting Mina as well when Mina saw her she smiled and ran to her she hugged her and said "today i'm going to me a noona yay" then as on cue another social worker came in with a little boy holding her hand i smiled and went over to her and said "is this our little Daehyunie" with that he smiled a cute little smile which melts hearts Baek came over with Mina 

i just heard Mina gasp and say "omo he is so cute can i hug him" i nodded she went over to him and said "annyong i'm your noona from now on i hope we get along well" with that she hugged him by the way Daehyun is 2 years old the rest of the day was filled with laughter and bonding with our new family member 

i had one thought today "thank you for giving me these people in my life i will protect them because they showed me what is love"

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