Chapter 5

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(Next day)

(Yixing P.O.V)

I woke up to my phone ringing i picked it up to check the caller ID just to see it was my mom i quick answered before she can get mad

"Hello mom"
"Hi xing how are you"
"I'm doing well thanks mom and you"
"I'm doing really well do you and the boys have something planned for tonight?"
"No not that i know of why mom"
"Ah well i want to invite you guys over Mr wu and i have a announcement to make and then you can also meet his son"
"Ah I'll hear by the guys and let you know mom"
"Okay byebye xing"
"Annyong mom"

Aftervwe hung up u went to look for Baek whom i found watching cartoons in the living room i sat down next to him saying nothing but then said

"Baek got any plans for tonight?" He shook his head and gave me a questioning look i then said "my mom invited all of us for dinner she and her boyfriend have somethingto announce

He made a little oh with his mouth then said "nope no plans is it just you and me or everyone" i smiled and saidb"it will be everyone I'll just ask them if they can go"

He nodded his head and returned to his cartoons after saying he will be there i quickly contacted the others everyone said they will becoming except for Kris who said he had to go somewhere with his father

I didn't mind much since i understand so i then let my mom know we will all be there she has actually only met Baek and Kyungsoo from all my friends

But I'm a bit nervous since i haven't met my mom's boyfriend yet or his son i know he treats my mother well so i don't mind him much i actually like him

(Skip to when leaving to go to Yixings mothers house)

I was waiting for Baek to finish up so we can leave the others said they will meet us there i got  bit impatient since he was taking forever

"Yah Baekhyun hurry we are going to be late" "aish hyung calm down I'm finished" he said coming out of the room

At that moment I'm sure my jaw just fell on the ground he was wearing skin tight leather pants with dress shoes and a white button up and he had on eyeliner which completed the look well

I was snapped out of my thoughts after hearing him say "Hyung are you done staring at me?" I felt how my face warmed up at his comment i then nodded and said"sorry it's just you look good"

I saw as light pink dusted his cheeks when he heard my comment i smiled and saidb"come on let's go before the others get there and drive my mother crazy"

And with that we left

(Kyungsoo P.O.V)

I was the first to get to Yixings house alongbwith Chanyeol when we knocked on the door and his mom opened the door she greeted us with a bright smile and said "Kyungsoo you are early no one is here yet"

She then looked to chanyeol and said "and who is this he sure is handsome" Chanyeol smiled and said "hello miss I'm Chanyeol I'm Baekhyun's step brother"

She smiled and said "ah no need to call me miss Chanyeol call me mom just like Kyungsoo and Baek does and also welcome to the family" he smiled and thanked her

I then said "we cane early so we can help you it'snot always easy to cook for a lot of people and i know Yixing and Baek will be a bit late because Baek always takes his time getting dressed"

She smiled and hugged me and said "ah thank you so much o appreciate it" i nodded and we all went to the kitchen to start on cooking

After about 30 minutes there wasa knock on the door i went to open it Only to reveal Yixing and the others i smiled and let them all in Yixing then looked at me and said " you came early how long have you been here"

Then a voice cutted us off before i could answer "they have been here since about 30 minutes ago they saidthey came early to help cook for tonight and by they i mean Kyungsoo and enough question come give your mother a hug"

He was quite for a bit but smiled brightly and walked to his mom and hugged her seeming like he didn't want to let her go at all

This boy sure is a loving person she then told them to go relax while we finish cooking and that Mr Wu will be here in a few minutes

We went to continue cooking she then said "Kyungie quick question how lon is it going to take to convince Yixing that he has feelings for someone..."

I looked at her confused she came closer and whispered saying "Yixing like Baekhyun doesn't he" i was shocked i then said "mom how do you know he like him??"

"Oh i knew since they became friends way back they both didn't really figure it out yet but i see it they look at each other with love and not friendship love but love love if you know what i mean"

I nodded and smiled at her and i then said "me and Suho hyung is working on convincing him" she smiled and said "well when we go out to everyone when we are done here makd sure to introduce me to Suho okay"

I smiled and nodded to be honest i actually think Yixings mom is probably the most supportive person i met so far she observes everything well and help a lot

I was walking over to the sink when i slipped onlybto be caught by Chanyeol our faces only a few centimetres away from each other my heart started beating really fast and i felt how blood rushed to my cheeks

He helped me back on my feet i quickly thanked him i quickly placed the dishes in the sink and Yixings mom made Chanyeol aet the table with help from Yixing and Baekhyun

She then came over to me and saidb "Kyung you like Chanyeol don't you???" She had this sparkle in her eyes i looked down and nodded my head slowly

I finally realized after a few incidents like this and help from the others that i have fallen for the giant

(Chanyeol P.O.V)

Did he just admit that he actually likes me ahhh I'm literally internally screaming right now okay calm down your crush likes you it's not like the world is ending

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