Chapter 2 - An Unexpected Turn of Events

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Hi there, Alex here. Hope you liked the first chapter. When I set out to write Troubleshooter I had the aim to make the action fast-paced with short concise chapters. Remember: if you are already hooked, buy the whole novel as an eBook anywhere. If you are hooked and like to read more adventures of Paul Trouble, buy the sister books "Troublemaker", "Troubleseeker", or "Pieces of Trouble".

Enough ramblings, on with the story!

Friday, November 27th



GEORGE KENDALL couldn't say what had driven him into this mess. In the beginning, it had sounded so easy—a fantastic amount of money to be made for some simple signatures. And afterwards: a life of riches that he had always dreamed but knew only from movies or novels.

It did not look simple anymore. The money was stashed away, God knew where and someone would find out for sure that the money was missing. They wouldn't know the how or the where or the who. But they would find out that some money was gone, and then they would start looking. For him!

Kendall lived in a nice brownstone house in Forrest Hill in the southern part of London. He parked his car in the driveway and opened the front door to his little cottage that he had purchased after his divorce. A draft of cold air told him that some other window or door was open, and he frowned. Had he or the cleaning lady forgotten to close the bathroom window? Not likely in early December. Putting down keys, phone and briefcase, he slipped out of his wet street shoes and walked into the living room.

The Asian Man was sitting in front of the dark fireplace. Dressed in a suit, he could have passed as one of the ubiquitous London city bankers.

Kendall was startled. "What are you doing in my house?"

"I came to thank you," said the Asian Man. "And to kill you."

The queasy feeling in Kendall's stomach grew to an icy block, and all color left his face. "Why, why me? What about the money? You don't have the money, yet. You need me and..."

The Asian Man shrugged. "Money, money, money, why is it always about the money? I will tell you a piece of real truth: it is not about money. It is all about this moment."

"What?" Kendall stuttered, "What is so important about this moment?" he stammered. Then he noticed an industrial plastic sheet that had been spread out on the living room floor over the oriental carpet.

"You!" In one fluid motion, the Asian Man drew a silenced pistol and shot George Kendall first in the left knee, then into the right one. Kendall screamed and slumped onto the sheet plastic like a marionette with severed strings, almost fainting from the pain.

The Asian Man stepped carefully over Kendall and bent closely to be heard. "But before I let you die, there is one more favor to ask...."

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