Chapter 9 - The Inside Intern

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"WHO ARE you again?" the young Chinese man asked curiously through the door crack of the apartment. He had intelligent brown eyes and a big mop of unkempt black hair. The rest was hidden behind the door.

"My name is Paul Trouble. I work in the Mergers and Acquisitions department for Strom Industries here in London. You start your internship in the IT department with Strom Defense tomorrow. I would like to talk to you about your job."

"How did you get my address?"

"From the HR department."

"Since when are you guys doing house calls? Are you that desperate for interns right now? I'll be there tomorrow. Don't worry."

"Believe it or not, this is also a first for me." Paul looked uncertain. "Listen, I want to talk to you about your future work at Strom Industries and a project opportunity of some importance. This sounds hush-hush, but I have someone with me who can give you background and will vouch for the importance of the project."

"And who would that be?" the young man asked skeptically. "Bill Gates?"

"Close, but no cigar." Paul gave him an encouraging smile and stepped aside to reveal Henry Daven—a commanding figure in the shabby corridor, who gave a small wave.

The Chinese young man looked at Henry Daven, opening the apartment door wide. "Hey, I know you from the investors journal. And BBC and CNN. And the internship starter package. Aren't you the CEO of Strom Industries?"

Henry stepped forward and held out his hand. "Henry Daven. From tomorrow on, also your boss. Good to meet you, Tom."

"Whew, Henry Daven! Good to meet you. My name is Tom Chan. But you probably know that. Come in; come in. This place is a mess, but the only one I got." Tom led them through the dark corridor into the narrow kitchen that had five chairs and a small cluttered table. Dishes in the sink, some food lying around. "Five guys are living together in here," Tom explained the male-dominated state of cleanliness of the apartment. "but London is a hellish expensive place for a humble future leader." He leaned against the sink. For an Asian he was big and athletic, Paul thought. He knew that Tom's parents had been Hong Kong Chinese who had decided to move to England after the territory had been given back to mainland China.

Henry and Paul declined something to drink. They sat around the kitchen table. Paul handed him his Strom Industries Holding M&A business card.

Tom leaned forward. "Man, Paul Trouble! That name alone makes me curious but with you, Sir, Mr. Daven, here with me, you really, really have my attention. Are you sure you want to talk to me? I am just an intern, you know?"

"Yes, we know. That's one of the reasons why we picked you," Paul explained.

"Picked me for what? I am in my fourth semester of Applied Economics and interested in Financial System Engineering. Fourth semester! I am good, but compared to you guys I know shit." He grew red. "Sorry for my language. Probably not the best elevator pitch of my qualities."

"Henry and I are here to discuss a confidential assignment at Strom Defense," Paul said. "We are asking you to be our ears and eyes in the company while we do an investigation."

"Do I need to decide right away? I have no clue what this is about?"

Henry Daven shrugged. "It's your call. The affair is very confidential. if you say yes, you will get all details. If you say no, no harm done—we accept your decision and leave. And ask you to forget this meeting ever took place."

Tom rubbed his eyes. "And how can I help you exactly?"

"You are new, so everyone will be friendly and helpful. It will not be suspicious if you walk around, talking and introducing yourself to others, or asking one or the other stupid question. And the best: you are an intern, which means the lowest wage at maximum hours. No one will mind you hanging around after hours maximizing your bucks."

"Maxing the buck, are you American by any chance?"

"I am living in London for the last ten years, so consider me domesticated," Paul answered.

Daven gave a winning smile. "The reason that I am here is to convince you, that the tasks we will ask of you are legitimate and in the interest of our company. There are bad things going on at Strom Defense and I tasked Paul to get to the ground of it."

"Bad things? You mean like in ‚The Firm'? Mafia taking over and laundering money?"

"Well," Daven said. "Let's hope not, but there is a lot of money involved and there is one or more bad guys sitting inside the office. That's why you cannot trust anyone. And I mean: anyone."

Tom nodded. "Except you two guys?"

"The group is very small. Two auditors, myself, Paul, two of your teammates."

Tom swallowed. "I am your man, Sir, consider me in."

Daven smiled broadly. "Thank you, you take a load of Paul's and my shoulder."

"With due respect, Sir, you are wrong. There is currently at least one more person who knows."

Henry looked at Paul, who just smiled and then back to Tom. "Who am I missing?"

Tom leaned back. "The bad guy."

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