Chapter 37 - Head-on Collision Course With Death

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WILKES SAW the action team arrive and sighed. He considered himself to be a smooth operator who went through his jobs undetected. Dealing with a horde of—to put it politely—hoodlums was always messy. But, a job was a job. He had been told to hand over the item to the other team and then continue to watch the Herbert residence.

At least the new team had the grace not to go into the small coffee shop together. One got out of the car, while the others continued circling the block, looking for a good spot to park.

"Are you the man?"

Wilkes had to smile briefly. "If you are the team, yes."

"What can you tell me?" the hoodlum asked.

Wilkes gave him the office layout and the descriptions of the girl and the boy, as the only photograph they had was of Paul Trouble.

"I think we are good. Cheers, mate." The team leader left the coffee shop.

Wilkes waited two beats and then went in the direction of his car. He had a bad feeling about this, but decided not to risk anything.

Arnie walked around the block and went into one of the maintenance alleys between two of the office blocks, opposite their target building. The car was idling with the rest of the gang inside. Arnie got into the passenger seat, gave the briefing, and distributed the photos.

"We go straight up, Arnie?" Danny-Boy asked.

But Arnie was not listening. "Look at that! The Trouble guy is just leaving." He had recognized Paul from the photo just as he was stepping out of the building entrance.

Arnie's mind was racing. The opportunity was too good to be missed. Two upstairs and one on the streets or on the road. Divide and conquer—yes, Arnie had read his de Bello Gallico.

"Guys, we split up. Danny-Boy, Jigg, you take out the guy and the girl upstairs. Don and I will follow this guy, Paul Trouble, on foot. Toni, you follow slowly with the car, in case our guy gets into a taxi or has a car nearby. Masquerade up, pretty dolls!" 

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