Chapter 52 - Exit

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THE CONTROLLER glanced out of the airplane window. It was a clear afternoon and the smog layer over London almost not detectable. The plane had done a turn over the city after its Heathrow take-off and the Controller could make out the river snaking its way through the endless sea of houses, parks and factories.

Probably the last look at this city for him. Would he miss it? A little, the Controller had to admit to himself. The people were friendly, great cultural But not enough to consider a defection. After the missed helicopter rendevous and the non-communication of the Asian Man, the Controller had realized that the mission was over.

So well planned but then falling apart so quickly at the finishing line. The Controller was already mentally preparing for the debrief but it was difficult to pinpoint the exact moment when the disaster had started. Either the hiring of the doomed action team or the execution of Mr. Schwartz.

Like a row of dominos, falling piece by piece, picking up speed.

The plane had passed the city; some more greenery, behind that the channel appearing under a fine layer of low mist carrying the Controller back home.

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