Chapter 29 - Mr. Wilkes Watches Again

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THE MISSION profile had changed slightly but not significantly. Instead of watching the Kendall house in Forrest Hill, Wilkes now watched a brownstone complex on Cyprus Street.

Something must have happened as there were some police cars and crime scene technician vehicles parked in front of the building. When Wilkes had received the assignment change and had arrived earlier this morning, he was initially worried about the circus. Surely the police would start canvassing the neighborhood for interviews and take down all parked car's license plate numbers. Cyprus Street was narrow, so there was no way that he could have gone unnoticed. Luckily there had been a small hotel near the target building that gave a good view. Wilkes had rented a room for two days, had requested and received street-view, and had settled in to watch.

The morning just brought various police staff going in and out of the building and some neighbors coming and going. Wilkes could recognize the inhabitants by their whispers among each other of what must have happened there. Wilkes Googled the news, not so much for the job itself, more out of personal curiosity, but there were no reports that fitted the scene, yet.

A coroner van came, and a body was moved out of the building, probably the victim. Later on, a slightly disheveled looking lady, helped by two policemen, was guided out of the building into a waiting car. Maybe a witness or relative ... or a murderess?

Every hour, Wilkes made a brief report to the email address that had been provided by his unknown employer.

Shortly after 11:30, a well-dressed man in his late thirties or early forties approached the cordoned-off entry to the building. The fact alone was not mention-worthy, as he definitely did not look like police, reporter, or resident. A senior-looking policeman came out to greet him, clearly unhappy but complacent to whatever purpose the visit had. They went inside. Wilkes had been able to shoot the man's profile several times with the tele lens. He pondered a second and then decided to give his employer a quick update, photo included. Just to be safe. 

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