Chapter 8 - War Room

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Alex here. The musketeers are collecting. Hope you like it so far. If you did, you should check out the other two Troubleshooter novels  Troublemaker and Troubleseeker. But enough said, let's get on with the story...

AMY, BRADY, and Paul looked at their new habitat. Maggie hadn't oversold the place; it was fantastic! They stood in the corner office, all doors opened and the air condition put to maximum ventilation to drive out the dead air from weeks of deceased startup inactivity.

Amy whispered, "This is like in a science fiction movie where they steal people from earth, gone from one second to another. Is this the Resident Evil scenario you talked about?"

Paul whispered back, "I think the company went belly-up a few weeks ago. Bye-bye for everyone involved. So they didn't even have someone to liquidate the remaining assets. "

Brady looked at both of them. "Why are you whispering? We are alone here."

Amy said, "Respect for the dead company. Plus genetically mutated zombies waiting in the next room."

Brady rolled his eyes. "Let's get practical. I have some gear with me." He patted his two big suitcases. "But I assume the computer lady here also needs a computer and some software."

Amy looked at Brady. "Make that plural. The lady needs plenty of computers."

Paul nodded. "Let's make a Christmas shopping list for you guys and then Brady can work his logistics magic."

Paul took a brief tour. The premise offered lots of light, the office space taking about one third of the overall floor. It was overlooking the eastern part of Docklands, with a direct line of sight to the Strom building, everything above the tenth floor. Behind it rose the big Canary Wharf Tower. The walls were painted in bright light colors, the furniture very modern. Chairs, desks, and rolling chests were in abundance, including computer cabling. But the leasing company had shown no mercy on the computer equipment itself. No displays, no machines, no printers in sight.

Paul went back over to Amy and Brady. "I'll leave you for a few hours to pick up the last remaining member of our team. Do your thing, so that tomorrow we can start working."

"No trouble, boss." Amy was brightness personified.

Brady just rolled his eyes at her over-eagerness.

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