When It Started

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HI!!! I own exactly none of these characters, we just love them and write about 'em. Happy reading!

This story is also published under the 'IamaDream1' account. However, I decided to create a joint account with my sister, and republish this story. I will continue updating THIS ONE, so...I hope y'all stay with me. 


Annabeth P.O.V

Annabeth was excited.

Even though she and Percy had been dating since they were sixteen, Percy had finally proposed three days ago. Tonight they were having a dinner with their friends, on the Argo III (Leo had rebuilt the ship, which was completely different than the Argo II). Grover, Rachel, and Clarisse couldn't attend, but they already found out, so Annabeth didn't mind. She and Percy decided to announce their engagement as they were finishing dessert, so Percy could eat his blue pie, and not make a fool of himself as he stuffed his face.

She closed her eyes, and twisted her new ring on her finger. It had a silver band, with diamonds framing a beautiful pearl, not a surprising choice for the son of Poseidon.

Annabeth loved New Rome. At the age of 22, Annabeth had just finished studying architecture at the college there. Perce wanted to stay and teach at Camp Half-Blood, but at Annabeth's insistence, he was taking a Mythology course. Maybe now, he would know what they were talking about if anything was attacked!

Within her apartment, the phone rang, startling Annabeth. It was Percy. "Hey. You okay? Are you ready to go?" He sounded strangely nervous.

"Seaweed Brain! You're not supposed to call me unless you have to! I did not plan on taking my dagger to dinner, and I am fine, thank you very much!" Annabeth tried to disguise how tense she was, but Percy saw right through her.

"You too?"


"They will be expecting it," he promised. "Particularly Piper. And Jason. And Hazel. And Thalia. And Leo. Oh gods, Leo. I'm engaged and 22 and have Leo as one of my best friends... Is there something wrong with me?"

Annabeth laughed. "When are you coming?"

"Umm... I'm outside the door."

"That's why you called me? You do realize you have a fist, and a door in front of you, right? And in case that's not enough, there's also a doorbell."


"YOU CAN KNOCK!" Annabeth sighed, what a complete doofus. A wonderfully handsome, funny, heroic doofus who loved her, but a doofus all the same.


"Remember, you're engaged to a daughter of the goddess of wisdom. You may want to start acting like it."

"Just open the dam door!"

She smiled and opened the apartment door. Standing there was Percy in a dark blue suit, hair combed back, a phone still pressed to his ear. "Hey, Wise Girl," he greeted, smiling, hanging up the phone.

"Seaweed Brain," Annabeth responded. "You're ridiculous. Get in here."

He obliged, then kissed her. "You look awesome!"

She sighed and kissed him back. Annabeth was wearing a pale purple and cream, knee high dress that complemented her and Percy when they stood together. Her blond hair was braided tightly, and she had gotten Piper to weave flowers into her hair. Annabeth had never before cared about her appearance, but this...this was important.

"Shall we go?" Percy asked, offering her his arm. She took it and smiled.

"We shall."

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