Big News

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 Piper P.O.V.

Piper was the first one in the dining hall of the ship. She loved to decorate the room, and Annabeth told her that the dinner would be fancy, so Piper went all out. Against Piper's wishes, Aphrodite had put the demigod in a pale pink maxi dress that billowed around her when she moved. She had also swept rose petals across the floor, saying it needed to be romantic. When Piper asked her why, her mother had smiled in the annoying immortal way, I know something you don't.

"Piper?" Piper turned to see Calypso in a white dress similar to hers. She looked way better somehow. "You came early."

Piper laughed, then walked toward Calypso for a hug. "I wanted to make sure that my mother didn't go too crazy."

A crease appeared between Calypso's eyebrows. "Aphrodite was here?"

Piper nodded. "How's the machine shop?" Leo and Calypso had started a machine shop about two months ago.

"Pretty good," the island girl responded. "We're making a lot, but Leo wants to move the shop to Houston."

"Speaking of Leo, has he blown himself up yet?" Both girls laughed at her motherly tone of voice.

"Not quite yet. But anything can happen."

A sound at the door made the girls look up. "Reyna! Thalia!" Piper cried, enthusiasm bursting.

Not knowing either of the girls that well, Calypso uttered a quiet hello.

"Hey, Pipes, Calypso." Thalia greeted. Both girls seemed exhausted.

"Why are you so tired?" Piper asked.

Reyna grinned. "Running the Twelfth Legion isn't as easy as being a pontifex with Jason."

"Yeah," agreed Thalia. "And chasing werewolves across the country isn't a walk in the park."

The girls were wearing leggings with general athletic dresses, that let them move around. Thalia was clad in a silver dress and black leggings, while Reyna was in a black dress with white leggings and her white Preator cloak. The Aphrodite in Piper noticed this and approved.

Stop focusing so much on outfits, she told herself sternly. You only get to see these guys every couple of months.

"Hey, hey, hey! The Leo has arrived!" sung the Latino, entering. He was closely followed by Jason.

Calypso smiled and crossed over to his side. "Relax, Valdez," she commanded.

"Er, yes ma'am."

Leo was completely clothed in black, and Jason was wearing a bright red button-down and white dress pants.

Piper crossed over to her boyfriend, and kissed him on the cheek. "You clean up nice," she said. She turned back to her friends, all here except Frank, Hazel, Percy, Annabeth, and Nico. Thalia looked at her little brother and mouthed, "Really?" to herself. But Piper saw wistfulness in Reyna's eyes, pure longing.

Within two minutes, Frank and Hazel had arrived, and soon after, came Perce and Annabeth.

"Ooh!" crowed Leo, noticing the couple and how they were dressed, "what's the occasion?",

"Shut up, Valdez." Muttered Percy, joining his friends at the table.

"Where's Nico?" Hazel asked.

"Not here yet," replied Calypso. She had surprisingly connected with the son of Hades and treated him like a little brother.

"He just sent me a text," Jason said. "He'll be here in ten. He says to start without him."

As they started to eat, Piper caught a flash of silver of Annabeth's left hand. "What. Is. That."

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