Your Father And I

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Poke. Poke. Poke.

Izzy waved a hand around her face, trying to get the prodding on her cheek to stop.

Poke. Poke. Poke.

She huffed a breath and grumbled, turning to shove her face into the back of the couch.

Poke. Poke. Poke.

The prodding moved to her side. Her very ticklish side. Izzy grumbled incoherent sounds of protest and wiggled in her place on the couch.

Poke. Poke. Poke. "Izzy, wake up." A quiet voice floated into Izzy's hearing.

Her only response was a groan.

"Come on short stack, you've gotta get up now," the voice persisted.

"Nhm," a muffled sound left her mouth.

Poke. Poke. Poke. "Come on shortie, we made breakfast," the voice coaxed.

Izzy craned her neck around, pulling her face out of the couch cushions. "Breakfast?" Her first coherent word of the day.

"Yup. But if you want it you're gonna have to get up."

Izzy managed to pry open one sleepy eye. Yoongi's greenish blue hair swung over his eyes as he tipped his head to the side where it hovered over Izzy.

"I have to say, short stack, you're not exactly a sleeping beauty," he cracked a cute smile.

"Who are you calling short stack? You're not that much taller than I am," Izzy fired back. "Besides, nobody wakes up looking like they came out of a beauty parlor." If only.

Yoongi grinned and turned to shout over his shoulder, "She's awake!"


"Thought she'd never wake up!"

"Took long enough!"

A chorus of voices called back to Yoongi's yelling. Izzy huffed and pulled herself upright. She probably looked like Dracula rising from his coffin. The light from an open window hit her right in the eyes and she hissed at the bright light that was now blinding her. Great, now she sounded like Dracula too.

Yoongi chuckled at her morning struggles, "Get up, it's breakfast time!" Izzy pushed aside her grumpy morning alter ego and swung her legs off the couch.

Yoongi draped an arm around her shoulders and led an uncoordinated Izzy towards the kitchen. She tripped a few times over her own feet, her eyes not fully open yet, but Yoongi managed to keep her upright until he could dump her on a stool at the kitchen counter. She groaned and propped her head up with her hand, eyes closing again. Izzy was just beginning to drift off once again when someone's fingers knocked her hand out from under her and her head crashed down on the counter.

"Ow! Damn it!" Izzy screeched while cradling her throbbing nose. "Who did that?" Her eyes shot lasers into the guys. They tripped over themselves in turning away from her glare or staring 'innocently' at the ceiling or pretending to be looking for something in the cabinets. But one of them gave it away.

Taehyung had stuck his head all the way into an empty cupboard and started whistling loudly. But Izzy could see his tomato-red ears which weren't covered by the cabinet door. Slowly, she eased herself off the stool and stepped softly towards the boy with green-streaked hair. His whistles echoed loudly through the now quiet dorm. The other boys had grown silent, flattening themselves against the counters to get out of Izzy's path.

"Taehyung?" Her cavity-inducing, sugar-sweet tone sent all the guys reeling in shock. The boy in question froze at the sound of his name. He pulled his head out of the cabinet and turned slowly, eyes guarded against the oncoming assault.

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