Five Star Deception

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The apartment door slammed open and a massive cardboard box crashed down in the entryway.

"Remind me again why we didn't just get the delivery guys to bring the bed over here?" Yoongi's breathing was hard as he leaned against the boxed-up bed that sat in the middle of their living room.

"Because we can't just go around throwing our address out like confetti. You know that," Namjoon gave him a serious look.
"Yeah whatever, let's start putting this thing together," Taehyung clapped his hands, a happy smile on his face, and started to rip the tape off the box.

While the younger boys were busy trying to figure out the page of instructions that came with the bed, Jimin wandered into the kitchen to look for a snack. He tugged open the fridge door and seeing nothing but leftover takeout containers, shut it. He was about to walk away when a slip of paper stuck to the refrigerator door caught his attention. Jimin pulled the paper out from under the bottle opener magnet that held it and skimmed over the words. Only to read them again. And again.

"Guys?" The bickering in the living room came to an abrupt halt when he called for them. "Read this."

Putting one foot in front of the other, Jimin walked slowly to the living room and relinquished the note into Namjoon's waiting hands. The other guys crowded around their leader, reading the note over his shoulder.

Meeting with my parents tonight at Dongdae Central. I should be back by 9 or 10 at the latest. Rescue me if if I'm not back by then.

"Did you guys know that she was meeting with her parents?" Jin asked the others in confusion. He couldn't recall her telling them about this.
"She's never said a word about them," Jungkook whispered.
"And we never asked," Hoseok concluded.
"Guys." Yoongi's voice caught their attention. "Look," his hand pointed at the clock that was built into the microwave. It read 10:10.
"She should be back by now," Jin's eyebrows furrowed and he cast an anxious glance at the others, who mirrored his worry.
"We have to go get her." Jimin couldn't ignore her any longer.

Staying away from her these past few days was hell and he understood now that it wouldn't do anything to solve his problem. His problem was that he was jealous and he didn't know why it bothered him how close Izzy and Jungkook had gotten. He loved them both, they were his best friends, it made absolutely no sense for him to be jealous. And yet he was. But that didn't matter right now.

"Leave the box and let's go," Namjoon wrenched open the door, leading them quickly out of the apartment. He wasn't anything if not fiercely protective of his friends, and that now included Izzy. The boys moved through the city at breakneck speed, sprinting through the South side and into the Central city. The familiar blue lights of Dongdae Central Hotel loomed over them. They had been here not three days ago for a poker game that they had—once again—won with the ace hidden in Yoongi's sleeve. But this time they were not here on business, they weren't dressed in Italian suits, and the mob of news reporters outside paid them virtually no attention. Clad in ripped jeans and leather jackets, they dashed up the hotel steps where a startled doorman hurriedly yanked the doors open for them.

"Gentlemen, I-I'm afraid there's no game tonight," the hotel manager came scampering up them, looking stressed.
"We're not here on business, we actually need to find someone," Namjoon informed the man, "And fast."

Jungkook cast a nervous look at the golden clock above the hotel desk. 10:47 and since they hadn't run into her on the way there, it was safe to assume that Izzy was still somewhere in the hotel.

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