Any Time

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The clanging of pots and pans woke Izzy from a very fitful sleep. She hadn't been able to get the memory of last night out of her head and it provided for several hours of tossing around and smiling like an idiot. They had both admitted last night that they liked each other, and the conversation faded off after that. Jimin had gone to his room and Izzy laid awake on the couch, wondering if he was also awake all night thinking about it.

"Don't use that! Use a pan for the eggs," Jin's voice nagged at someone as Izzy pried her bleary eyes open.

"Somebody just make some coffee," Yoongi mumbled tiredly from somewhere near the kitchen.

Izzy sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before swinging her legs off the couch. Her dress from last night lay in a heap on the floor as she'd been too lazy to make it all the way to the bathroom just to change clothes, and the oversized t-shirt and pajama shorts she now wore were infinitely more comfortable. She stood from the couch and stretched, hearing the satisfying crack of her spine. Izzy stepped over to the kitchen and took a seat down on the stool next to a sleeping Yoongi. He sat with his head resting on his arms, hair an absolute mess, and mouth open as he snored lightly. Izzy reached over and gently moved a stand of mint-green hair out of his eyes. She jumped a bit when he made a quiet groaning sound in the back his throat.

"Thanks," he mumbled, making that groaning sound again. Izzy smiled down at him, turns out he wasn't sleeping.

"Wake up!" A very bouncy Hoseok pounced onto Yoongi's back, but the boy didn't even flinch.

"Alright guys, breakfast is served," Jin set out eight cups of coffee while Taehyung put out plates of scrambled eggs for everyone. Jungkook and Namjoon stumbled into the kitchen, looking half asleep as they leant on each other to keep from falling over. Jimin was right behind them, looking marginally more awake. His eyes locked with Izzy's and he smiled when she blushed and quickly looked away from him. He walked over to the last empty stool and sat down beside her at the counter.

"Morning," he said to her while his eyes were locked on the counter.
"Hi," she whispered back, not daring to look up from her plate of eggs. Yoongi pried one eye open, watching their awkward interaction. Out of everyone in their group, Izzy was closest to Jimin, so this shy behavior was not like them at all. But Yoongi didn't say anything about it, he simply watched the awkwardness unfold with an amused smirk.

Izzy didn't know what to do. After last night something had changed and she didn't know how to react to it. So she did what she always did and ignored it, deciding to start a conversation on a different topic. 

"So um," the boys looked up at her with sleepy eyes, "Last night I mentioned my ex-boyfriend, Youngkyun," their chewing abruptly stopped and she knew there was something they weren't telling her. "Do you guys know him or something?"

"Izzy," Namjoon struggled to swallow down the lump in his throat. "We've told you that we made mistakes in the past," he began, setting his cup of coffee down. Izzy nodded to show him that she was listening.

He sighed, "About three years ago we were struggling pretty badly. We didn't have any money, or any way to get it, we were living in the railway station." Izzy's breath caught, she never knew that and she hated the fact that these wonderful boys had to struggle the way they did.

"And then I ran into this guy I knew back in school and we talked a bit," Yoongi jumped in, "It was Lee Youngkyun. I told him about how we were struggling. And he offered to make a deal with us."

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