CHAPTER #3- So We Meet Again

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Riley’s POV:

I searched the forest to find a good place to make camp for the night. I stumbled upon a dry patch, a tiny clearing in the midst of all the towering trees, most of which seemed really old and could have been over seventy feet tall. Neverland must’ve gotten some rainfall last night, because most of the ground was waterlogged and murky. I dropped my satchel took out my flashlight to help guide me through the woods as I looked for firewood and a river for fresh water.

As I gathered old branches and twigs as kindling for my new camp, the jet-black darkness consumed me, making me feel scared and alert.

I also couldn’t stop thinking about Pan. The way his eyebrows stirred methodically, his flawless hair with the adorable little flip, his arm muscles when he tenses…

“Stop Riley, focus!” I yell to myself.

I can’t love him. He will probably just hurt me.

I return to the small clearing, my arms full of the kindling I found on the forest floor.

And let me just say that hiking through the forest in a dress was no easy task. Not to mention I was barefoot. I ditched the silver heels a long time ago back at the beach.

I laid out the wood and used a match from the set I brought with me from home to light the campfire. Thank God the seawater hadn’t demolished them.

As I constructed a mat of palm tree leaves to sleep on, I hear a twig snap from behind me.

“Who’s there?” I yell, my heart racing as I frantically swivel my head looking in all directions.

Pan comes into view, hiding behind a tree.

“I can see you, Pan.” I say nervously.

“You know, I haven’t seen a girl on this island in a long while.” He says, coming out so I can see him.

His bright green eyes are mesmerizing.

“Well, what about Wendy?”

My mother had told me the stories of how he kidnapped Henry, the savior’s son, and everything else he did. All of the turmoil this devilish boy had caused.

“That was fifteen years ago.” He replies, slowly coming closer to where I was standing.

“Okay, so?”

“If you want you can camp with the lost boys and I, if you don’t mind cooties.” He teases and smirks. 

“You say this after I have already made mine?” I say, motioning toward my camp.

“I know, sorry,” he replies apologetically, “You coming?”

“Ya, but I still don’t trust you.”

“That’s okay, but I will gain your trust, though.”

Oh God, what’s that supposed to mean? I follow him, ready at any moment to pull out my dagger.


Peter’s POV:

We make it to the camp.

“You want a change of clothes?” I ask, looking over to where Riley was standing behind me. She did look sorta nice in that dress but it wasn’t exactly ‘Neverland material’.

“And where, exactly, do you have a pair of girls clothes in my size lying around?”

Her sarcasm was cute.

“Your in Neverland,” I reply, “Just believe you have a new pair of clothes on.”

She closes her eyes, with a strained look on her face. In an instant, she was wearing a navy hoodie, jeans, and a pair of black combat boots with her hair in a long french braid down her back.

“Ah, much better,” she says, “I absolutely hate sparkles.”

She pulls a dagger out of her bag and shoves it neatly into her right combat boot, so that a pat of the handle sticks out.

Riley and I find an old log covered in moss to sit on near the campfire.

“So,” I ask, “Why are you in Neverland? I didn’t order my shadow to come retrieve you.”

She laughs softly.

“I wanted an adventure. I snuck out of my castle last night. My parents never let me go anywhere far from the palace. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now.”

“Oh. Who are your parents? Are you from the Enchanted Forest?”

Is she like a princess or something? Why else would she live in a palace?

“Ya, I’m from the Enchanted Forest. Oh, and my parents are Princess Ariel and Prince Eric.”

So she is a princess. I should’ve known. She looks a lot like her mother and swam in as a mermaid. I studied her a little bit. She had to have been at least 5’ 5”. She has pale, white skin with a small cluster of freckles on her face. Her bright, red hair was in a long french braid down her back. She had green hazel eyes that sparkled with curiosity. She had a curvy figure, and was skinny, but not all skin and bones.

“Well, I’m going to go to bed now,” she says, “Any plans for tomorrow? I would love to come along.”

“We’re hunting tomorrow.”

“Cool! Can I join?”

Her eyes were so pretty and practically pleading for the adventure that awaited her.

I think I might love her. I’ve never liked a girl before. Not even Wendy, although people spread rumors that I did love her once, but those were all lies.

“Sure, I guess. But be ready by eight in the morning. Can you hunt?”

“Not well, but I’m a fast learner.”

“Good. Well, see you in the morning I guess.”

“Good night, Peter.”

That was the first time anyone had called me Peter in ages. Her soft voice still ringed in my head.

She leaves and stands a little ways form the fire, and closes her eyes. In a second there’s a turquoise blanket. She lies down and closes her eyes on the cool sand.

She looks so pretty when she sleeps.

The Princess and the Bloody Demon {Peter Pan/OUAT} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now