Chapter 1 - Reunited

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I sat in my small dressing room in the ITV Studios. It was bright and modern. The walls were white with bright paintings scattered around and the carpet was a brownish colour, it was nice. Lexi sat on the large black sofa playing with some toys I had brought along with me to keep her entertained. I was nervous about seeing Cheryl again. I was scared there will be tension between us or even worse she ignores me completely just the thought alone made me sick to my stomach. Ater all the argument was all my fault. She was dating someone I thought was a waste of time, a complete and utter arsehole.I thought he treat her terrible and wasn’t worth her time and she needed to be told however she proved me wrong by marrying him and what can I say/ I guess  was wrong. Lexi climbed down from the sofa and came over to me. She rubbed her red eyes with her fist and reached her arms out at me. She was shattered I could tell as her eyes were heavy and she could barely keep them open, she was getting whiney and clingy. If anything it should be me falling asleep after all I had been awake since 5 this morning. I pick her up and rest my chin on her blondish brown soft hair and cuddle her on my lap. Two loud knocks suddenly echoed through the room making me jump. It’s properly the director ready for me.”Come in!” I call not moving from the seat. The door swung open and my heart began to race, my palms began to sweat and I was lost for words. It was Cheryl.

 “Hello, stranger” She said softly. She looked just as beautiful as I remember her. Her long chocolate curls hung over her shoulders bouncing slightly as she breathed, her smile exposed her pearly white teeth and her deep dimples on each cheek. She was squeezed into a little leopard print dress. It was short, very short. She looked perfect. I got out my seat placing Lexi on the ground and travelled across the room without a sound into her open arms. She hugged me tight; I inhaled her sweet scent and opened my mouth to talk. “Oh my god Cheryl!” never wanted to let go of her I never realised just how much I had missed her until she was stood here in front of me. “You look great” She smiled looking me up and down. “I look great? Look at you! “I held out her hand and looked at her dress. She noticed Lexi standing by my leg and looked at me with a shocked expression on her face. “You have a … daughter?” I picked her up from the floor and placed her on my hip. “I have two, this is Lexi” Cheryl reached out her hand and stroked her soft hair sweeping it to one side. “Kim she’s beautiful, she’s the spit of you! Look at her Dr Martens!”She looked at her tiny patent leather boots and she held out her arms. “Can I hold her?” I nodded and handed her to her. I noticed Cheryl’s eyes fill up as she held Lexi close. She put her hand on the back of her head and studied her chubby little grumpy face taking everything in.Lexi furrowed her eyebrows and moved her eyes to the side looking for me. Cheryl looked at her deep dark eyes, her thick eyelashes and her tiny facial features. “She’s so gorgeous, how old is she?” Cheryl whispered. Lexi turned her head and reached her hand out at me. ”Ma Ma” She whined opening and closing her fist. Cheryl bounced her up and down. “She’s 17 months” I smile looking at the genuine happiness in Cheryl’s face as she held her. “She hates me!” She laughed pulling a sad face at me. “She’s just tired babe” I say taking her back. She buried her head in the crook of my neck and turned her body away from Cheryl while grasping onto my black blouse. “I’ve missed so much” She said staring at the floor, I put my hand on the arm and stroked it with my thumb “I’m sorry for everything, after a while I got scared to call you in case you hated me” She lifted her head “I’ve never hated you Kimberly, NEVER! I thought about you everyday” I opened my mouth to speak and the director walked through the door she was red in the face and looked stressed. “You’re on in 10” She told me before running back out the door. “Maybe we could catch up after our interview?” I suggest to Cheryl who seemed ecstatic at the idea.  I handed Lexi back to her and hooked the large, black baby bag over her shoulder. I smirk and kiss Lexi’s cheek “Have fun with Auntie Cheryl”. Cheryl looked surprised and shook her head. “You cheeky bitch” We both laughed before I left the room.

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