Jace Herondale

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Clary and Jordan waited while Alec went to try and get a meeting for them with the detective. Clary was not looking forward this at all. She did not want to have to flirt with this guy to get information. He's probably fat and has a bad receding hair line. Alec said this Jace guy was young, but that probably meant he was young for a detective.

"Okay. He said he will see you now." Alec said. Clary was so deep in her own thoughts that she didn't see him come in the room. She jumped at the sound of his voice; nearly falling out of her chair. "Are you okay, Clary? You seem a bit jumpy." Alec said with concern.

"Yes. I'm fine." she sighed while standing up. "Okay, Jordan. Let's get this over with."

They followed Alec upstairs to an office where he knocked on the door. They heard someone say 'come in' and Alec walked in first with Clary and Jordan stepping in behind him. Clary looked around in the office and saw photos of people and bodies everywhere. They were all over the walls with yellow sticky notes that had stuff written on them.

"This is Clary Fray and her...um...friend, Jordan. Guys, this is Detective Herondale." Alec said.

Clary tore her eyes off of the gruesome photos, finally looking at the desk that was by the large window looking out onto the city. The chair behind it was turned away from them but with a quick spin, the person in question turned his chair around to face them revealing the most gorgeous man Clary had ever laid eyes on.

He had a halo of gold hair that was combed back. But even then, she could tell that it was long enough to at least pass his eyes. He had sun kissed golden skin and perfect white teeth. Only there was one small chip on one on his right incisor. But the most captivating thing about him had to be his eyes. They were a light brown; so light in fact, they looked like the color of honey gold. His golden eyes met with her green ones and a look of realization flashed on his face. His eyes seemed to light up as they took her in.

"Hello. I'm Clary, Mr. Herondale. Or should I call you Detective Herondale?" she asked stretching her hand to shake his. He reached out and put his large hand in her small one. She was surprised to find that despite their difference in size, their hands seemed to fit so perfectly together. It was like they were always meant to fit together. She felt a shock go through her hand as their skin touched and she gasped and looked up at him.

"Jace. Call me Jace." he said in a husky voice, making Clary feel weak at the knees. They must have been staring at each other for a while because suddenly someone cleared their throat, breaking them out of their trance. Clary realized she still had her hand in his. She pulled back her hand and blushed then looked over at Jordan and he cleared his throat again.

"I'm Jordan Kyle. Um...Clary's boyfriend." he said stepping forward and stretching his hand out for Jace to shake. Jace looked up at Jordan and his outstretched hand and narrowed his eyes at him. His face darkened with something Clary couldn't figure out. Jace ignored his hand and Jordan stepped back and put his hand in his pocket looking nervous now and a bit annoyed.

"Boyfriend? Hmmm. Alec didn't mention that." Jace said siting back in his chair. Alec looked nervous and not quite sure what to say.

"Um I...I'm going to leave and let you guys talk." Alec said and walked out, closing the door behind him.

"You know, starting off by lying is not a good impression. Especially when you've come to me for a favor...as I've been told by Alec, Mr... what was your name again? Kyle was it?" Jace said as his eyes narrowed into slits at Jordan.

"Yes. And what makes you think that I'm lying?" he asked, now narrowing his eyes back at Jace.

"Well, I was trained to be a human lie detector and when you said 'Clary's boyfriend', you had four red flags that indicated you were untruthful. And since then, I've seen about five more red flags." he said with a smirk on his perfect face.

"Well..I...fine. I'm a guy and her friend so in a sense, I'm her boy-friend." he huffed plopping down in a chair by the right of the desk. He looked over at Clary and mouthed 'You owe me'. Clary then sat down in the other chair to the left.

"My relationship status is really not of any importance." Clary said to Jace. "Mr. Henrondale, we have come to ask about the murder of someone that was close to us." she said while looking at him. He finally looked at her again and his eyes softened a lot. He was quiet for a moment, looking deep in thought.

"Alright. What was the person's name?" he asked and started typing on his laptop.

"Mrs. Santiago. She was found murdered a few months ago." Clary said while Jace was typing on the computer.

"It will take me some time. I have to get her file and look over it. We can perhaps discuss it over dinner?" He then looked at Jordan and then back at Clary. "But I would prefer just the two of us, say... about 7:30 tonight?" Jace said.

"Umm...I...don't..." she looked over at Jordan he gave her a small smile and mouthed 'I will be fine' and shrugged his shoulders like he was saying 'it's up to you'.

"Sure. 7:30 is fine." she said and gave him a smile.

"I can't wait, Miss..."Jace said.

"Clary. Call me Clary." she said.

"Clary." he said with a smile stretched across his face making her stomach feel like there were butterflies were flying around inside of it.

After they left the police department, Jordan dropped her off and told her he was fine with her going out with Jace. He really was not ready for a relationship but that he would very much like to be good friends again. He told her to be careful since she just met Jace and he had, and I quote, 'weird vibes from him'.

She was getting ready and her make up was just finished. Her eyes were smokey and she put a little lip gloss on but was still looking for an outfit to wear. She wasn't sure if this was a 'date' date, or just a business date so she was having a hard time deciding what she was going to wear. She finally decided on a black sleeveless dress that went to just above the knee. The skirt of the dress flowed out and it had a black waist belt that had light blue gem stones embedded in it. She then slipped on light blue pumps to match the belt. She finished her look with light blue dangly drop earrings and a simple blue gem stone necklace. Clary then fixed her hair so it was pinned and swooped to one side. When she was done, she checked the mirror and was satisfied with the way she looked.

Then a thought occurred to her. She forgot to tell Jace where she lived. And worst of all, she totally forgot that she was supposed to go out with Sebastian. Just then, she heard a knock on the door.

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