Part 10

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Jace reluctantly dropped Clary off at her dorm building. He told her he was going to get someone to patrol the building at night so he could make sure she was safe.

She kissed him on the cheek, leaving him with a huge smile on his face as she went into her dorm building. Since it was the weekend, the building was normally deserted and seemed lifeless unless there was a party in their dorm. Everyone was either already asleep, at a party, or sleeping somewhere else.

She walked up the steps inside, the stair lights seemed dimmed and each hallway doorway she passed was empty. The lack of sound was deafening. She got to her hallway and the lights on the ceiling were flickering. The hallway was empty as well, making it look like a scene from a horror movie. "They really need to get that fixed." she thought to herself. Their whole building had always had electrical problems like electrical outlet failures, the lights flickering, and the power goes in and out sporadically. They said they were sending someone to fix the problem but they haven't yet.

She heard faint music coming down the eerie hall. She had a bad feeling and her mind was screaming at her to "Turn around!", but just like in horror movies, she continued down the hall. Each step she took, she heard the music grow louder and louder. She got to her door and noticed that was where the music was coming from. The lights were off but she knew it must be Izzy. Izzy and Simon might be in the middle of something. "Eww." she thought.

She knocked. "Izzy! You better not be doing anything on my bed!" she yelled so they could hear her. She put her ear to the door, waiting to hear something, but all she could hear was music. She knocked again, but louder this time. "Izzy!" but still, there was nothing. She slowly turned the door knob. The door made a eerie creaking sound as it opened, causing the hair on her arms to stand while a shiver went down her back. "Izzy?" she called into the dark room.

Her hand reached out and searched for the light switch. When her fingers finally found it, she flipped it up but the light didn't come on. She cursed the damn cheap school again for not getting the lights fixed. She stumbled through the dark room, feeling around blindly, trying to find the lamp by the bed. She found it after a few long seconds of searching, thankfully, and turned it on. The light from the lamp illuminated the room. She finally let the breath that she was holding out and turned around, finally able to see the room, and gasped. It was a mess. Clothes were strung all over the floor, her and Izzy's make up was dumped out everywhere and the beds were destroyed. The covers looked like they had been shredded by something sharp. She then noticed that Izzy thankfully wasn't here. Clary's MP3 player was by her desk, playing the music she heard.

"Every breath you take

Every move you make

Every bond you break

Every step you take

I'll be watching you

Every single day

Every word you say

Every game you play

Every night you stay

I'll be watching you

Oh can't you see

You belong to me"

The lyrics gave her chills. She turned around and noticed there was writing carved into her wall "Last warning. YOU ARE MINE."

Flash back

"We are not together. I never agreed to a relationship with you and..." She doesn't get to finish what she was saying as he backs her to the wall while still standing on the stairs. He has her pinned like he did that morning. Each of his hands are on either side of her head. His face right at hers. She could feel his breath on her cheek. His dark eyes were looking into her scared green ones. He looked crazed. Like he was looking at prey that he was ready to consume.

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