5 - Intertwined - Finniss Part 2

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Dedicated to CocaCarly for being amazing and making me smile with your stalker messages! XD

Hi! So, this is a continuation of the Finniss Fanfiction in part 3 of the collection. Enjoy! :)

"Cause I can't hide the grief,

when your hands let go of me..."

- Ellie Goulding - Dead In The Water

I love me a bit of irony XD

- Liv xx




I couldn’t stop thinking about her. My thoughts were consumed with thoughts of her, in the 74th games when I’d first noticed her. The opening ceremony when I offered her those sugar cubes. Training.

Every time I’d seen her, I’d fallen a bit more in love with the beautiful, fiery, dangerous, broken girl from District 12.

We sat down on the beach and Peeta looked surprised when she sat down next to me instead of him. I guess Katniss had decided she was going to tell him soon then.

She’d told me that she still loved him, but not the way she loved me. Not the way I loved her, too.

We sat and ate some of the shellfish I’d caught. I was absentmindedly scratching the scabs the fog had left behind when Katniss asked to talk to Peeta, alone. I nodded, giving her a secret smile, picked up my trident and waded into the water, searching along the seabed for more shells.



I can’t believe what she just told me. It never even occurred to me that Finnick might be a problem; I always thought Katniss was more sensible than that. She sat there, her huge, catlike grey eyes staring at me with worry, guilt… and still that same love she’d always looked at me with. I guess it wasn’t the kind of love I thought she had for me. The kind of love I wanted. The kind of love I had for her. She was waiting for my reaction, I could tell. I knew she didn’t really mean to hurt me.

But that didn’t mean it hurt less.

An ache started up in my heart as I saw her face light up, saw her turn around when Finnick surfaced for a moment.

I knew what the ache was.

It was my heart realising I’d truly lost her this time. That I’d never really had her in the first place.

I nodded.

“I… Ok... I’m not going to pretend I understand why, Katniss, but Ok… I’ll let you go, because I still love you.”

My heart felt as if it was slowly being pulled apart, a chunk taken out, and then healed back together. Minus the Mockingjay shaped chunk. The most important part of my heart.

“Peeta… I still love you but… Finnick…”

I cut her off, shaking my head. I couldn’t let her know how much this was killing me. It would destroy her.

“Don’t Katniss. It’s… Ok. Just… Ok.”

“Peeta, I’m so sorry I just.”

“Katniss. Stop. It’s. Ok.” I said, through half gritted teeth. I turned, my hands making fists then relaxing, making fists then relaxing. But only where she couldn’t see.

“I… I’m gonna go for a walk.” I said, my back to her. I could feel it shaking, my whole body as if it was a lone reed in gale force winds. I walked away from her, my world collapsing around me as the only girl I ever loved sat in the arms of another. One I thought was my friend.

Once I knew I was out of her eyeline, I sank to my knees in the thick jungle, my head in my hands.

Suddenly there was a fluttering, a beating of wings landing in a tree next to me. I shrank back from the Jabberjay, knowing what was coming. I prepared myself for the screams of the ones I loved, but they didn’t come. Instead something worse did.

The Jabberjay opened its beak, another by its side.

And then they began talking, in quiet, passionate voices.

No. Before the words registered, I was already on the floor, hands over my ears, trying to drown them out. But a whole fleet had arrived, and were talking at me.

“Finn… I love you so much Finn.”

“Katniss… I love you. I’ll be so much better for you than Peeta.”

“I know. That’s why I’ve chosen you.”

A giggle, that rare giggle that I loved ricocheted through my body, taking me apart, piece by piece. 

I knew it wasn’t them talking, Finnick or Katniss would never say anything like that. They’ve done what Beetee said they did, changed their voices. But it felt real.

It’s not real.

It’s not real.

It can’t be real.

Real or not real.

Real or not real!

I don’t know.

I don’t know anything anymore.

What do you do when everything you know is taken from you?

You cry.

And that’s what I did.

I sobbed my heart out onto the floor as I heard Finnick’s laugh join hers, and then other words and noises got louder and louder, huge waves that swamped me, drowning me.

I’m dying.

I’m not.

The words killed me, but I still did not fall into that sweet void of unconsciousness.

I wanted to.

I’m dying.

They’re killing me.

She’s killing me.


It’s real.


If you have any requests for chapters/parts, please comment below or message me! :) It can be anything, from non-canon ships, to things after Mockingjay takes place, to the very first Hunger Games. Anything to do with the world of Panem. :)

- Liv

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