7 - Last Kiss - Odesta

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Hello again! I haven't updated in a while so I've got an extra long chapter for you all! It's got fluff, it's got passion, it's got a shedload of feels. So, for all you Odesta shippers out there, hold onto your seats! Love you all! :) The chapter is dedicated to Fallen11 for being the first person to add this to their reading list and generally being awesome like. Also, thanks to CocaCarly for inspiring me and letting me write a chapter of her book, 'Hidden' Y'all should check it out! (Why did I use that phrase, I'm English!?!) :D

Song of the Chapter: Memex by Duologue. I'm not entirely sure what he's singing but the feel of the music is perfect for this chapter. It's so sorrowful. I had this on repeat whilst writing it. Play it when I tell you to! :)

- Liv


Finnick Odair sat on the beach, the waves washing over his knees as he sat staring at the rising sun. As the sun rose, the newborn rays of light spilled over the horizon, bathing him in golden light. It sparked off his bronze hair, adding a new dimension to the unusual shade.

He squinted his eyes at the sun. It was a constant, rising and falling without fail for years upon years.

Years that so many children would never get to experience.

And today, two more from his District would be sent to the slaughter. Granted, being from a career district gave them an advantage. But Finnick knew all too well that nothing could prepare you for the sheer brutality of the games.

He sat in the waves for a while longer, before unfolding his tall but muscular frame, turning his back on the sun and walking back into the Victors Village.


Finnick never spent much time in the Victors Village. On the rare occasions when he was in District 4, he spent his time at the beach or at the Cresta home.

But today, he would not be welcome there. Today was the day of the reaping and so all doors remained closed whilst the families of the teenagers tried to grasp one, two more precious minutes with their loved ones.

He quickly stripped off his wet clothes, grabbing the ones that had been laid out for him and quickly changed.

With more time than he could bear on his hands, he returned to the beach, this time sitting at the base of the sun-baked tree where he had first encountered Annie.



Her soft voice jolted him out of his reverie, and whilst he was happy to see the one person he loved, he was confused.

"Annie? What are you doing here? The reaping starts soon!"

She rolled her eyes at him, her tanned face creasing with a smile as she fiddled with the end of her fishtail braid.

"I'm fetching you of course. You're an honoured guest you know."

She giggled when a smirk finally etched it's way onto his face. He stood, and sidled closer to her, running his fingers across her arms lightly, his smirk becoming deeper when she shivered slightly.

"Honoured guest? Well, I'd hate to keep them waiting..."

He leaned down to her as she closed her eyes, a slight smile playing across them. His lips touched hers and what started as a sweet kiss quickly turned passionate. Her arms twined around his neck into his hair, tangling it through her fingers. His arms locked around her waist, pressing her even closer to him, their bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces.

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