8 - Fire and Rain - Prory

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Hello again! Another feelsy one today for all you Prory shippers. The emotions felt by these two in this chapter may seem a little intense, but bear in mind that these two have been through so much, Prim's watched her sister in a televised fight to the death after voulnteering to save her and Rory has watched his best friend's sister do that (they're the same person, duh) and watched his brother have his heart broken, even though he knows it's the only way Katniss will survive. Also, did I mention the fact that there's a WAR going on? Dedication to BookOfFairyTales because I am in love with her book 'The BATs Take New York' in a serious way. A bit of a strange format in this snippet, there's letter form, Prim's POV, Rory's POV and third person. :)

Song of the Chapter: Skin by Zola Jesus

Again, another sad song (Romeo and Juliet Trailer song!) because I like feelsy stuff. Play it when I tell you!

Lots of love,



Dear Rory,

I'm sorry about what's happened with Gale. I always knew he had feelings for Katniss, but I wasn't aware they were quite so deep. It must be horrible for him to watch her and Peeta in the games together. But I guess we all have it hard right now. I'm glad I can talk to you.

I'm worried about mum, she's not zoned out again, but she's very quiet. The only times she brightens up is when she teaches me how to heal people.

I just feel so helpless, sat here, watching Katniss in the games. All I can think is that it should have been me. I can't bear it. That burn she got on her leg... I would have known how to treat it right away. Katniss climbed into a bacteria infested pond! Although I guess it was the only water available... It should have been me. I don't know what we'll do if we lose her. She has to win.

I'm sorry for rambling so much. I hope

you're okay. Sorry.

 - Prim.


Dear Prim,

First of all, stop apologising. None of this is any of ours fault. Besides, I'm here specifically for you to ramble to anyway. And Katniss knew what she was doing when she volunteered for you. She loves you. And let's face it, she has a better chance of winning than you would have done.

Gale's doing alright I guess. The cameras didn't help yesterday though. He came home fuming. But I guess that's normal now. I'm glad I can talk to you too.

As for your mum, I think being around you in general would brighten her day anyway. Whenever I see you, you certainly brighten mine.

- Rory.


Dear Rory,

... Thank you. Your letters always make me smile and that last comment... Well... nevermind.

Mum was a lot better today, I spent a lot more time with her. I have a feeling that the games will reach their peak soon.

As I'm sure you've seen, Katniss is allied with Rue now. I like Rue a lot, she seems like in normal circumstances, we could be friends with her. But we're not in normal circumstances, are we?

Yes, she does have a better chance of winning than I would have done, but that doesn't make me feel any better.

I was just wondering, would you be able to come to the edge of the woods with me? I need to collect some things for my mum and I hate going alone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2014 ⏰

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