Chapter 1

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It's Friday morning  & i feel stuck in maybe the 5th worst possible place known to man.

High School.

My name's Jordan Cross ,  this is my senior year in high school & iv'e learned to love the company of myself; a lone ranger. In my short life experience with people, they fucking suck. I can't recall if i have never been in love, I don't have any consistent reliable associates in my life. "Friends". As for my parents.. They're actually pretty cool. They've held a good reputation in their social settings, work & they love to help & contribute to society. Actual humanitarians to our indicative society.  They're my family, & they've been there through even my darker times. Certain times when all you wanted was just your own small normal group of friends to say everything will be okay. People just outside the family circle.

I have a pretty strong relationship with my family & luckily never really came into bad times with my folks,  just sometimes feels like  97% of the time we live in two different universes. Yet our galaxies seem to intersect perfectly.  Growing up i never really developed a codependency  to need anyone to be able to survive in this life story of mine. I am an empath, i have this disease that actually makes socializing for me pretty difficult. Before I jump the gun on this story,  let me take you back to where it all started...

My 8th grade year.

I was the total opposite of who i am today. I was a quiet, by the book shy nerd. I would attempt whatever I could just to fit in. I wanted some kind of chance to feel what it was like to be admired for not doing really anything at all.. i should've known better. All i wanted was just some sort of social life, but everything comes with a price. Money growing up was a big thing in my town, so if you didn't have some sort of nice income than people of course would gossip & damn near shun you before ever knowing you. Even if you had money,  if the cool kids didn't feel you were up to their potential, you would basically become their additional form of income.  A desperate servant friend, the yes friend. The one who would take the falls for the cool kids even if they weren't even apart of whatever they did. Pretty much degrade your self as a human for the hopes you would get asked to go out with them. 

As you can probably pick up , I unfortunately fell into the same memorization all young  desperate nerds like myself would easily fall for.  My parents had money, but off of their knowledge in science & history. My dad has is PHD in Bio Chemistry and my mom is a Historical Archaeologist. Lucky for me history and science were my fortay, I would offer to do assignments, home work and projects.  Deep down it was a little more than just the social acceptance of a group. I wanted the social acceptance of only him.. Steven Conrad.. I had the biggest sadest crush on this guy. Hoping i could ever have a chance to actually speak and hangout with him, to me was more than being invited to go the mall. 

Most of the girls  in my school drooled over this guy. Girls stalking him the moment he would come onto the school property. When he came down the hallway he had this pied piper about him just no flute ( or whatever the pied piper used) the way he could get anyone to follow him to where he was going.  I would casually get a few glances in from my locker, never approaching him or harassing but more so i became his quiet  obsessor. 

 Wednesday morning after English I had to make a quick stop at my locker to grab some homework that i completed for one of the head popular girls & her associate. I was rustling through my locker when the loud class bell goes off for us to do our change to third period.  The hallway quickly begins to fill with  students and teachers coming out of classrooms giving us 10 minutes to spare before our next period starts. 

I hear the familiar sound of  heavy footing pounding from the second floor of students making their way down the already overly crowded tight hall way. Through the sea of people, there he was. He was walking and joking loudly with a group of his friends, just looking completely handsome in his sports jacket. I was always a ninja when it came to doing things without being heard or noticed. When i was a kid our floor boards would creek so loud at the faintest sounds and yet i would sneak down stairs late night and grab some cookies from the jar without waking up my folks. I as always did my quick ninja glances at him before i knew i wouldn't get a another chance to really take this in. I just didn't even think to realize that out of all the times iv'e done this, & i never thought that i also would be ninja watched. The whole reason i went to my locker was to grab home work for  Angel, and i guess i stalled out. I got a little lost glance in my glance at Steven. Or creepy staring contest what ever works, still something I again should've known better.  

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