Chapter 2 - Passed out

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Oh yeah! This was inspired by an OC I made and a story I read! Thanks again ~~ ❤

Casey's pov

Tyson had already gone to get his car. Ivy was going on and on about some annoying shit while I just ignored her. She could probably tell that I didn't really care, but she just wanted to rant. After we got the the gate we waited for Tyson and he arrived with his car soon after.

"Lets go guys! We have a while until the party actually starts, but get in." Tyson pulled up his windows and unlocked his doors

"Take the back. You might be able to get some sleep." Ivy took the front seat and Tyson nodded in agreement.

"Okay... I doubt it though." I sat down and rummaged through my bag to find my sleeping pills. "Worth a shot I guess," I mumbled quietly.

I took the pills and laid down. Before I could close my eyes, a warm weight fell onto me.

"It's Tyson's blanket. He told me to give it to you." Ivy called back to me.

"Okay then. Pretty convenient."

I closed my eyes. Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to fucking sleep, cause you feel like shit! My mind goes silent. I opened my eyes a bit. Nope.

I try again, and again, and again, and again. Nothing, I still feel like shit. These pills are shit. I can see Tyson's house. Shit. He parks in front and we all go inside.

"Go in Casey." Tyson pointed to his bedroom.

"Alright..." I thought nothing of it. They probably wanted me to try and sleep again.

I plopped down onto his bed. It was soft, but too soft. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to sleep. I sighed and closed my eyes. I heard the door open and suddenly Ivy started to yell.

"Get him now!" She screamed.

In a flash, three people ran into the room. Three? Before I could finish that thought, two of them grabbed my arms and pinned me down to the bed. I lifted my head to see Ivy standing in front of me.

"You think we are going to let you go to the party looking like that?! You can do better then that. We're going to get you laid tonight!~" she raised her arms and stuck her index finger in the hole she made with her other hand.

"Geh- What the fuck?! Just cause I've never had sex doesn't mean I-" Someone's hand cover my mouth. I instantly knew who it was.

"Shhh... Listen to Ivy~" It was Ivy's girlfriend, Clair.

"Now let's get you changed, shall we?~" Ivy spoke over my muffled voice.

Ivy reached down to pull down my pants and I flailed around in panic. She was quick, and grabbed hold of my them and yanked them down. My boxers were out in the open.

"Aw, only black boxers? I thought it would be funny if you had one with like, a cartoon character or something on it..." Ivy pouted as she started to pull off my shirt.

Before she could take it off completely, I bit Clair's hand and broke free of the arms holding me down. It must've hurt Clair since I'd really chopped down, but she was strong. It probably didn't effect her.

"I can fucking change myself. Holy shit!" I yelled in their faces.

"Alright, alright." After Tyson relented, he threw me some of his clothes.

He gave me black skinny jeans a shirt and a cardigan. The others left the room and I started to change. The clothes fit perfectly. They must have gotten it for me, I guess. I've barely seen Tyson wearing anything like this. After I was done, I went to Tyson's living room. They were sitting down and watching TV.

"I'm done," I said while I jumped onto the couch.

"You look good...-ish! Too bad your face has bags and everything. If you had sleep last night, I bet you would look fine!~" Clair chirped as she stared at the bags under my eyes.

"Guys shut up the, commercial is ending!" Tyson blurted out.

We shut up and continued watching TV and chilling. After a good hour, we decided to go to the party. We were a bit late, but it didn't really matter to us. I saw people passed out on the floor. Left on the ground alone.

"Good thing I have nice friends... kind of," I mumbled to myself.

We passed by the beer pong table and people taking shots. Finally, I saw the food. Glorious. This was what I came for. The others walked over to the free drinks while I went and stocked up on food.

I wasn't much of a party person. I only came here because of my friends, but I didn't mind at all. Once they got their drinks, we started walking around and exploring the giant house. I finished my food, it wasn't even that much, and threw the paper plate into the trash.

I turned back as fast as I could to catch up to my pals, but I got pushed and began to fall. I closed my eyes and prepared for the pain, but I didn't fall to the ground. Instead, I fell on some tall guy. He ended up on the floor too. One of my hands was clutching his soft, black hair. The other was resting on his chest.

For some reason, his warmth was really comforting and I soon felt tired. Actually tired. I could hear my friends shouting, but it sounded more like a distant calling.

"Casey!! Are yo-" Then, all the sounds faded away.

My vision blurred and soon after, I passed out while clutching his clothes.


I feel like the end was sort of cringe but oh well :'))) I'm no pro at romance #foreveralone


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