Chapter 3 - Taken

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Aaron's POV

I had just come to the party and people were already wrecked. There were a few people still awake, but the floor was littered with bodies. Maybe I should try to get a girl or something. I got ready to turn on my charm, but before I could, my breath was knocked out of me. Did someone just fall onto me? As I finished that thought, I was already flat on my back on the ground.

"Ouch... What th-" I was confused, but there was one thing I knew for sure. This guy on top of me was definitely my type.

His round eyes looked straight into my eyes. He had bags under his eyes, but I could tell that he would look even cuter if they weren't so pronounced. His pink lips looks soft and smooth. Was he drunk? His face looked normal, and he wasn't flushed, but his eyes were half open. He looked like he was drifting off to sleep.

Surprisingly, that was exactly what he did, but only after grabbing onto my shirt. I could feel my face flush in embarrassment. Some people who apparently knew this guy he turned towards us and yelled.

"Casey?! Are you okay?!" One of his friends grabbed his arm and tried to pull him away.

He didn't let go of my shirt. It might've just been my imagination, but it felt like he tightened his grip too. My shirt just stretched out and dragged me with him. He was still sound asleep. Did he pull three all nighters or something? Anyways, this was pretty cute...

"Casey got sleep?! Are you serious? And only after we take our eyes off him for a second?!" A girl, probably another friend, had a look of disbelief on her face.

"Guys, shut up about Casey. That guy is stuck on him," a different guy said as he pointed at me.

"Yeah uh... I don't think he's letting go anytime soon..." I awkwardly rubbed my hair. I could still feel his tight grip on my shirt.

"This is a miracle though!" Another girl gasped.

The first girl laughed, "How are we going to get him off of this guy without waking him up?"

They tried to gently push him off of me, and then tried using force, but he only squirmed and hugged my body even tighter. They tried multiple times, but he was sleeping like the dead. Apparently I was a comfortable pillow. His friends looked at me with utter bewilderment.

"Did a witch cast a curse on him or something?"

"Why does he have to sleep in the worst places..."

"I'm pretty sure that it's just him passing out after days of sleepless nights!"

"Wait, what's happening? A curse? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well somehow, Casey got sleep. Let's take him home shall we?!" All three of them nodded in agreement with the lively girl and lifted me off of the ground along with the sleeping stranger.

"H-hold on! This is a crime! Wait a sec- ouch, that hurt!" Obviously, no one at the party cared about me. I shouldn't have come alone.

No one at the party stopped our strange group. Everybody was already passed out, or honestly didn't care. To my surprise, that guy was still sleeping and hugging me through all this craziness. I secretly reached for my phone in my pocket, but one of the girls took it from me.

"Don't worry, we just want him to get some good sleep! I'll have his brother explain, he probably won't mind you staying over anyways!~" She put my phone in her pocket and headed to the streets. We stopped in front of a car.

"Clair, go put him in the back seat and stay with him so that he can't escape." She opened the door and smiled at the other girl.

I shoved into their car. At this point, I had absolutely no idea what was going on. I struggled to get out, but I still had the sleeping guy's body on me. Also, the girl next to me was really strong. Honestly. Now, I was just too done with whatever was happening to try and escape.

"So, who the fuck are you guys?" I asked. At least they were nice enough to respond.

"Oh, the one driving is Tyson, I'm Ivy, and that cute girl next to you is Clair!" answered the girl apparently named Ivy. She would have seemed innocent, but she sported an evil smile.

"And... him?" I pointed at the dude on me.

"Oh that's Casey, if you didn't notice. He has sleeping problems. Someone else can explain later, I'm too lazy!"

"Okay...?" I mumbled.

"What about you? You seem oddly calm in a weird situation like this."

"Well, I'm Aaron. I have no idea what is going on, but the guy on me is pretty cute... and so are you!" I laughed.

Clair gave me a dark look. The atmosphere in the car turned heavy.

"Clair, he's joking... Maybe not about the Casey part, but don't worry," She chuckled.

I flinched and asked, "Wait are you two-?" They nodded.

Honestly, I didn't care if they were lesbian. I'm a pretty opened-minded guy. But, I think I almost dug my own grave. For the most part, the atmosphere got better after that. It seemed like these were good people. Well, besides the kidnapping part. I wasn't really sure what to think.

"Ah! I need to call Jason!" Ivy picked up her phone and dialed a number.

"Hi! Yeah, we're bringing Casey home early... And with a friend! Oh, and by the way, one of them is sleeping!" She quickly hung up and before the line was cut, I heard a loud yell through the phone.

"Alright! Now that that's over with, let's get Boba before we get to the house!

We took a sharp turn and landed right in front of a bubble tea store.

"What the fuck? You guys kidnap me and now you're going to get bubble tea? This is so random, I can't believe you people!" I groaned as I face palmed.

"What do you guys want?" Ivy asked. Everyone ignored me. Maybe these people aren't so nice.

"Taro slush!" Tyson put his thumbs up.

"The usual," Clair seemed to be looking at her phone, but I could feel her stare piercing into me.

"Milk tea please!" I joked, and she went into the store.

Ivy came back with one... two... three... four drinks? Damn, I guess these kidnappers are nice. I feel like if I ever got taken again, I wouldn't mind going with these people. They're so confusing.

"I got it!" Ivy raised the drinks up above her head.

"Thanks!" Tyson took his Boba and took a big gulp.

Ivy handed a drink to Clair and then to me. I don't even know what to think about these people anymore. I took the drink anyways and poked the straw through.

"You trust people this fast?" Ivy asked while I sipped the drink, "You're gonna get tricked one day. Like, maybe today?"


"I put sleeping pills in there," Ivy smirked as she held up sleeping pills.

It gets worse. :)

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