Chapter 5 - Morning

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I am so so sooo sorryyyy (Canadian side of me coming out) I CANT STOPPPPPP


Casey's POV

The warmth of the blanket was really soothing. The pillow that I was hugging was especially warm. I squeezed it, but it was harder then I thought. The smell in the room was different than usual, but I liked it for some reason, even though I didn't know what it was.

It felt so good to stay in bed, I was on cloud nine. The comfort of my pillow was the best part. I wish I could stay like this forev- wait. I'm sleeping? I opened my eyes and saw the bare back of a stranger. My arms were around his waist.

I snatched my arms back from him. Who was he? I sat up in bed and looked around. What had happened yesterday? Clothing was scattered all over the floor. I peered down and realized that I was almost naked. What the hell happened?!

The last thing I remembered was falling onto some guy. I quickly glanced at the person sleeping in the bed next to me. He was the guy. My alarm clock read 11:36. I guess it was a good thing I had no classes today. I looked all around the room for clues until I felt the bed move. I looked back, and he was awake.

"How was last night?" He winked at me.

No. Oh god no. Did I lose my card? To a stranger? I was blushing like an idiot. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as my mouth dropped open. I scrambled to the farthest part of the room and tried to comprehend what was happening.

"What?!" I finally screamed as I ran out of the room.

What, what, what? Who was he? I fell asleep? I had sex? Am I still a virgin? I don't feel any different! My ass feels fine! I ran into a closet and just sat there in the small space.

I heard the footsteps of the stranger approaching my hiding place. He was looking for me? I heard his phone vibrate. What was he doing? The sound of a ringing phone echoed around. What was he planning? The person on the other side of the phone picked up.

"Hi Aaron!~ What's up? How's sleeping beauty?" I heard Ivy laughing on speaker.

I immediately knew what had happened. Ivy was behind all of this. My face flushed with anger. She had gotten me good. I bolted out of the closet I was in.

"Ivy you fucking asshole!" I yelled as I took the phone and hung up.

I heard the door open in the distance. It wasn't my brother, unfortunately. It was Clair, Tyson, and Ivy. They looked up to see both of us in nothing but our boxers. Tyson covered his eyes while Clair just looked away. Ivy, of course, knew this would happen,  and just smirked.

She took out her phone and quickly snapped a picture. Oh no. I ran into my room and changed my clothes in record time. I grabbed a random tee and a pair of jeans and put them on while I ran downstairs. That guy was still there, casually talking to them even though he only had boxers on.

"Delete it," I growled. I grabbed onto Ivy's shoulders and glared at her straight in the eye.

"Nope!" she chirped and held her phone out to show me the picture. It was in high quality. I was shown in all of my almost-naked glory. Fuck.

"Ivy!" I shook her more, trying to get my point across. "Please! Don't do this today! I actually slept!"

She stood still, unmoved. "Ivy, I swear to god, please!" I desperately begged for her to delete it. She was probably going to use it as blackmail.

She just turned off her phone and grinned. I give up. I'm going to die of embarrassment now. Tyson patted my back. He knew the pain of Ivy too.

"Who is he?" I looked at the guy who had been in my bed. He still just stood in nothing but boxers.

"I'm Aaron. You fell asleep on me yesterday and wouldn't let go. Ivy brought up the prank and thought it would be a good chance to get you back!" He laughed.

"So, nothing happened?" my voice cracked and my eyes started getting watery.

"To you? No. If you're talking about me...then a lot of things happened..." He scratched his hair.

I glared at Ivy, but she just shrugged and looked away. I face palmed. What did she do now? I decided to ask later and instead went to get Aaron's clothing. I grabbed his clothes off of the floor and walked down the stairs to where all of them were.

"Here, change." I tossed him his clothing.

He blatantly changed in front of everyone, he obviously didn't really care who saw. He had a nice body though, probably worked out every week or so. Jason would still probably beat him up easily. Once he was dressed he seamlessly joined back into the conversation we were having.

"Yeah, his face was so funny!" Aaron laughed.

He fit right in. How did he get so close so soon? It must be the Ivy instinct. She knows what people are thinking and other things like that. I don't know how but that was how she found everyone here. We all trust Ivy because of this, yet she was so damn annoying.

"What happened while I was sleeping?" I asked.

"Uh...we forced him into our car 'cause you wouldn't let go of him," Tyson awkwardly smiled.

"You...idiots. Jason let him in too? Well, if it was Ivy's stupid idea, then I can understand..." I sighed.

"Tsk tsk! Casey, you never learn when to stop insulting me do you?" Ivy grinned.

"Er- Sorry just came out, you know?" I gave her a fake smile.

"That's no good, Casey! I've told you many times before, but you never learn!" She approached me with a mischievous look in her eyes.

"Ivy, please. I'm sorry." She wasn't going to take it.

"Ivy, c'mon. I know you're joking, but he finally got some sleep! Be nice!" Tyson tried to help. It didn't work.

Ivy ignored Tyson and kept talking, "Bad kids like you need to be PUN-ISHED!"

I'm sorry ;-;

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