Why SasuSaku is NOT a Happy Ending

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Okay, you guys may seem SasuSaku as this WONDERFUL MAJESTIC ship that will have no end. I'm not saying it isn't canon, just in case for you people who think that .

This ship is canon.

But you have to realize, even if someone or something is canon, doesn't mean it's a good thing nor will it stay a good thing. Let's analyze this, shall we?

Just a reminder before we start, I'll be talking about how the relationship has flaws, SASUKE included.

Sasuke =

Isn't a doting husband and father. He's been gone for as long as Salad has long as Sarada can remember and she hadn't met him until last chapter. We don't even know if he's kept in touch with Sakura, just that it's apparent he hasn't with Sarada. Many SS fans seem delighted by the idea that he'd be calling and/or screwing Sakura behind Sarada's back, ignoring the fact they'd be horrible people and parents for doing this. Now that Salad and Sasuke have finally met he points a sword at her because he doesn't recognize her. You'd think he'd want to see pictures of the child he supposedly cares so much about.

Sarada =

Is not daddy's little princess. Instead she's almost perpetually mopey about the father she never met. She's not even upset that he's the kind of absent father who only ever sends her cards and presents because it's apparent she doesn't even have that much. It seems like the bulk of all she's gotten from him is his looks and bloodline. Naruto says her personality is all Sakura but what do you expect when Sakura is the only parent she's ever had? She's frustrated she knows so little about him and her own mother can't even say whether he wore glasses or not. She keeps trying to get the other kids to take advantage of the fact that they have fathers because she wish she could. Also there's no records of her birth and she's not in the family registry. Again, can't say she's being hidden because everyone knows she's Uchiha. There's really no reason for it except to spike drama. Why was she not born in Konoha? Idk, maybe Sakura wasn't in Konoha when she gave birth. Really, I'm expecting there to be some kind of explanation for all this because I expect Sakura to be Salad's mother after all. I can't really say much about her except that Sakura and Sasuke's characters are being dragged through the mud just so she can anguish and this series can have some contrived family drama.

Sakura =

Is basically a single mother and possibly isn't even married to Sasuke. There's no explicit proof of a wedding picture (I said "explicit" because SS keeps bringing up the edge of a picture of Sakura wearing some kind of kimono). Why didn't Sakura put her beautiful wedding photo in the family assemblage instead of placing herself over a picture of Taka? Naruto and Hinata's assemblage includes pictures of the kids along with the wedding photo. I'm saying they have to be the same, I'm just using it as a reference. The fact Sakura did that also implies she doesn't have a picture of her and Sasuke together (other than Team 7), let alone a picture of just Sasuke. Why would Sarada even question whether Sakura was married to Sasuke if there was a wedding photo? Unless she suspected they divorced and just never filled her in? There's a theory Sakura is hiding Salad from Sasuke but that would make her a terrible person unless he had a really good reason. Both Sakura and Salad wear the Uchiha symbol and absolutely everyone one else seems fully aware of Salad's parentage. It's not like it's a secret. If Sakura has kept in touch with Sasuke then it still doesn't look good on her. If she really cares about Salad and knows how Sasuke's absence affects her, then she must have a pit in her stomach every time he and her communicate. Also, Sakura can't even answer if Sasuke wore glasses or not. It's a simple yes or no question and she answers "I guess" when she of all people should known the answer. Honestly what was the point of that??
Sakura also seems at least somewhat unstable since she couldn't handle Salad questioning her relationship with Sasuke. If she really is happy and secure in their relationship then why did she react so violently to it being questioned? She destroyed the ground Sarada stood on and reduced her to tears. Then Sakura only apologized for raising her voice. This is truly abusive behavior even if Sakura is not generally abusive towards Sarada (I don't believe that was normal since Sarada seems to speak openly with Sakura without fear). Sakura might have had a temper when she was 12 and 16 but she's in her thirties now. She's an adult and needs to find better ways of dealing with her anger than screaming and hitting things, especially around children. I don't want to bother you guys with personal stories but I know from personal experience just how terrifying and damaging it can be for children when parents lose themselves in a rage. I don't trust Kishimoto to deal with it responsibly - or at all - but in real life this can effect the child's relationship with their parent and their own behavior. Children are sponges that observe their parents for how to behave, how to deal with issues, and how to view the world in general. This is one of the reasons children act out at school when their parents fight at home. This is why boys who watched their father beat their mother have a higher risk of growing up to be wife-beaters themselves. This is why I hate how fans keep excusing what Sakura did. There are many things I like about Sakura but this was not okay. I can understand that she was angry and acted impulsively but I still can't excuse this particular act as okay. Quite blaming Salad of all people just because she was reasonably frustrated about being abandoned by her father at birth and her mother - who should be a wealth of information about said father - not being able to answer the most basic questions about him. That's not an excuse for Sakura to lose her freaking mind.

What am I trying to say?

Well easy,

This ship is canon, but canonly trash.

This relationship is nothing but dysfunctional. How can we tell if they're even married?! We never even saw a picture or even a wedding scene! How are we even supposed to know if Sakura is ACTUALLY happy with this relationship? Yeah you can talk about the forehead poke shiz all you want, but what if she's just happy that she finally got Sasuke? And they finally had a child to maintain themselves?

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