One shot| Everlasting - male!Gemini x fem!Pisces

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Me: I'm so sorry if I took longer to update this one shot. I was having problems thinking of a plot for these Zodiac signs. This story may not be the best out there but I did my best. I'm going to admit, it's really hard to write a fanfiction or a story about a specific thing when you don't know enough background about it. It's nothing to compare to the fandoms we all know too well. I mean, this is Zodiac. It's not a fandom. But rather just...a Zodiac that we people take for our own entertainment. But anyway, it's still a challenge for me, and I love challenging myself sometimes! Besides, this is a new experience so I'll do my best at the next chapters okay? Moving on, please comment and vote whenever you like! I love reading your thoughts guys! ^^ And I love to know that you're appreciating my works! It really means so much!

Ophiuchus: Should I speak?

Me: Why are you suddenly talking now?

Ophiuchus: Inazuma Eleven taught me a lot.

Me: ...that explains why, but anyway. Yes, yes you may. But later. I need to finish this. *at the readers* Please enjoy! This is shorter than the previous ones so read at your own risk I guess? ^^ That's all!


Male: Gemini, Aquarius

Female: Pisces, Cancer

NOTE: Aquarius and Cancer were not really given that much attention like how the other Zodiacs in the previous chapters had been. Let's just say this story is mostly all about our stars: Gemini and Pisces.

This is @ProcyonStar's request. Hope you like it!


"Hiya, Gem!" Pisces grinned as she took a seat beside Gemini who had stopped midway from the middle of his doodling at the back of his notebook. The atmosphere in the classroom was slightly dark due to the drizzle on the outside world, and the temperature had dropped a bit, only making the classroom more lulling and relaxing.

"Hey Pisces. Was there something you needed?" Gemini asked, leaning back on his chair to relax his muscles for staying uptight too long. Pisces shook her head, smiling.

"Nope. I just wanna know what you're up to."

Gemini just stared at her, his brow raised, wondering why she was suddenly interested in his life. There must be some reason right?

"Um... Why?" He frowns, a bit befuddled and offended. He didn't mean to sound it like that but he just can't help it. Sure, he was the trickiest in their class but he's not that mean to make him seem distrustful right?

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Did I offend you?" Pisces asked, a bit panicky.

"A bit.." Gemini muttered, looking down at his notebook which contains the page he had been doodling.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it that way." Pisces purses her lips, debating herself if she should continue interacting with him. After a short pause, she said, "Um... I was just worried. I want to make sure you're okay."

Gemini blinked at this, trying to make sure he heard her right. Looking up at her face, he frowned more.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I understand your motives?"

Pisces could only grin, stands up and said, "It's not a motive Gem. I am sincerely worried for you. I had to make sure you're okay." Her eyes then softened, "After all the things you've done for me, I want to return the favor."

Return the favor? Gemini was so confused at this. For all he knows, he and Pisces don't speak to each other often, only a few hellos and hi on here and there but not frequently. And he couldn't ever recall doing something courteous and considerate to her so what was she saying? Until... Gemini stiffened at this, his eyes widened.

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