OTP & Ship Drabbles | Small Quirks

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Me: I've been writing this for a month already. Scorpio's up to Gemini's, however, were created just today. I don't know what happened but I love writing these Drabbles especially the last three. Rain pouring outside, me lying on bed and my favorite Kingdom Hearts' soundtrack, Destiny's Union ringing on the background, it's so perfect, and I just can't help but feel my emotions flowing to and fro within me. Hehe, the weather condition, the serenity, and the music can surely do wonders in your daily life.

Anyway, @kczarina97's request for a male!Sagitatrius X fem!Scorpio is here. Thank you for waiting patiently! I hope you like it as much as I do!



" Y O U ' R E   S U C H   A   K I D   S O M E T I M E S ,
              B U T   T H A T ' S   W H Y   I   L O V E   Y O U . "
                                             —male!Aries X fem!Cancer (OTP)

Cancer smiled through a frosted window as snowflakes begin to fall daintily like falling stars created from heaven. She watched with silent glee, her palm resting against the smooth coolly surface of the window, eyes lighting up as they widened in such wonder. How could one thing be so angelic and beautiful at the same time? It was just so out of this world.

"You're staring at it again?"

The sudden smooth voice startled her, and her eyes broke away from the ethereal view. There behind her while holding a hot cocoa is none other than Aries, amused at her childish joy. Cancer weakly smiled at him before looking away, pulling her legs to her chest as she propped up her chin on her knees. She continued watching the snow fall down.

"Sorry," Her voice was muffled but Aries heard her perfectly clear, "It's just that... it was so beautiful. I can't help it."

She heard him chuckle behind her, then a sound that resembles a porcelain being put down on a wooden surface. Aries had lowered down his mug of hot cocoa on the table beside them before joining in with her through the messy sheets that Cancer had probably brought along with her from their shared bedroom. His arm snaked around her waist, kissing her temple.

"You're such a kid sometimes, but that's why I love you." He whispered to her ear, tightening his hold as if to emphasize his sincere feelings through her sensitive heart. Cancer could only smile at this, feeling the incoming tears of joy prickling her eyes at his sweet, genuine words. She snuggled closer to her lover and gave a short, yet satisfying kiss to his lips in which Aries immediately responded at before leaning away to watch the snow fall in comfortable silence.


" A   G I R L   L I K E   Y O U   D E S E R V E S   T O   S H I N E . "
—male!Leo X fem!Virgo (OTP)

Note: This story is a side story of the chapter, Lovestruck. This took place when Virgo and Leo are already an item.


The chatters of men and women alike dressed in luxurious tuxedos and elegant dresses along with the tinkling of glasses meeting against glasses resounded around the lively gigantic room. The various vibrant looking colors of the dresses fit so well against the lighting of the room, and Virgo had never felt so small if compared with the women in the area. She was only dressed in a simple forest green pouf dress that flows down just on her knee with just a small make-up. Social events were not her forte. She was only here because her boyfriend, Leo, one of the famous actor just recently won another Oscar.

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