Halloween Special - Horror Short Story | All Along - All Zodiac Signs

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Me: *dressed up with a white hospital gown imprinted with a lot of 'COMMITMENT' around the white cloth* Happy Holloween, everyone! This short story was requested by @MisanthropicAlien who asked for a horror story two months ago. I almost forgot it until I remembered Halloween. Sorry for the delay update. Good thing I remembered this. Like I've said, it's hard to write a horror story, and I'm kinda lazy when I wrote this so I'm confident that this story will not be as good as the others, but I did my best tho. 🙂

male!Scorpio: *was staring intently at my costume* I'm still figuring out why there are a lot of 'COMMITMENT' in your costume.

Me: *smiles a secretive smile* Cannie can answer that.

fem!Cancer: Lol, I see what you did here, Lynn. *sniggers*

male!Scorpio: *blinks* Excuse me?

fem!Pisces: *appears out of nowhere* I'm with Scorp. I don't get it?

Me: I should be confused why fem!Cancer is here, and I should be surprised that fem!Pisces suddenly popped out of nowhere but, *shrugs* oh well. Enlighten your fellow water signs, Cancie.

fem!Cancer: Yes. Omg. *faces them with a shit-eating grin* It's Halloween. Lynn wore a garment filled with the word, 'COMMITMENT' because that's what people are afraid of. :3

Me: :3

fem!Cancer: *still having that shit-eating grin*

male!Scorp: ...

fem!Pisces: ...


World: ...

*5 minutes later*

Me: Well, um, so far, everything's good. *winces when a shattered glass slices through the atmosphere* Scorp walked out mumbling that I should get a job... *winces* and Pisces was going ballistic at the moment in the kitchen and... *glances beside me* Cancer is with me, browsing for Klance and... *pauses, then shivers* Let's just continue with the story. *hides under the blanket* IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT THEY CAN'T HANDLE MY COOLNESS! *crosses arms*


Male: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius

Female: Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

WARNING: This somewhat has detailed graphics, blood etc.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I did my best to make the story worthy of your time as I'm not really good writing these kind of stuffs, but I hope I could at least meet up with all your expectations. Feel free to criticize me and tell me which I should improve and work on. Your CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms, tips, suggestions, and advices are very much welcomed and appreciated.



I first met my first friend when I entered the orphanage Lost Paradise at the age of 12.

She has a pair of ice blue eyes that reminded me of the fleeting clouds making way for the sky after the snowfall had blanketed the area. They were so pretty and the bluest of the blue I've ever seen— probably bluer than mine or the ocean I've seen. She had a gentle smile on her face when she greeted me by the door entrance. I was so shy then but I could never forget that heartwarming smile. It reminded me of a soft wool, warming me from the frosty bites of Jack, and I remembered smiling back at her with the most sincere smile I could offer. Pisces is her name.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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