Random Short Story| By Ship and Blade - All Zodiac signs

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Me: You will know how my brain works after reading a book that almost took my sanity... What Cancer will do here resembles to what I just felt. So read at your own risk or else you might get dragged by my insanity. That is all. Enjoy.

Male: Libra, Aries, Leo, Gemini, Taurus, Pisces, Capricorn
Female: Cancer, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Virgo



It was only a matter of seconds after the scream broke out that the cardinal water sign's door slams open to reveal a slightly disheveled Leo, his eyes widened with alert and caution. He was holding a sword, his grip tight as if he was ready anytime to spring in action if something threatening pops out in the room in a blink of an eye.

"What? What is it?!" This time, Aries appeared beside an alert Leo, his eyes alert as well. "Did someone smuggled in?"

His eyes wildly skimmers the room, only stopping upon noticing Cancer who was seated on her bed, the thin sheets ruffled in a disorganized way as she held the book she's reading close to her chest. Her eyes are widened; almost as if she wanted to jump at her feet out of reflex after the fire signs' abrupt entrance in her room, clusters of red painting her cheeks in embarrassment.

Aries' could feel his eye twitch, his fingers almost trembling with annoyance as he shakily lifted up his arm that has the sword in its grasp. The weapon was gleaming quite dangerously. Even though its end was blunt and not capable to kill someone in an instant, it's still dangerous in appearance. Especially when a certain red-head has it in his hand.

"Cancer... You.." Aries couldn't form the sentence completely, as his eyes were flashing red in irritation after wasting his precious time worrying of the possibility of an unknown smuggler sneaking in her room. He gritted his teeth, taking a step forward. His whole form was trembling just by keeping his anger for the water sign. He hissed. "What do you think you're doing?"

The smaller girl yelped when Aries swung his sword on her bed. Leo acted instantly after a moment of stupefaction; walking briskly to the fuming red-head, placing a firm hand on his friend's shoulder. He squeezed on it in warning, making sure that Aries won't make any brash movements that would endanger Cancer's welfare.

"Hey, what is going on here?"

A smooth voice echoed the tense room like a hot knife slicing on butter. Cancer could feel her tensed muscles relaxing just by seeing her best friend, Pisces, in the doorway. She only relaxed more when the rest of the Zodiacs huddled in her room; some confused and wary while some are irritated.

"Okay, what in seventh's hell is going on here?"

Capricorn was now storming at Cancer, his eyes flaring in irritation. It almost made Cancer to cower in fear as she shakily hid herself in the pages of her book.

"Now now, let's not get violent shall we?" Libra said, stepping in before something happens. He patted Cap's shoulders as an attempt to cool him down. It worked, fortunately, but that didn't mean he cooled down though. He was still glaring at Cancer after disrupting the peace in their abode.

"Okay, so basically I was supposed to dump a toad in Taurus' collar—" Gemini quickly ducked when Taurus swung his arm at his head to land a blow, successfully dodging his fist. He continued forward, his arms crossed with a frown on his lips and spoke as if Taurus' assault didn't occur, "—until a scream broke out like a banshee in the woods. Can someone explain what is going on here?"

"It's obvious already, Gem." Scorpio muttered under her breath. She was leaning on the wall just beside the doorway where the rest of the signs are standing, waiting for someone to clear this misunderstood event. "Cancer was just definitely reading a book—"

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