Chapter 9

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"I'm sorry but I went to the doctor and they said that my cough is caused by an infection. So I'm sorry but I won't be able to come to work today." I said the following Monday morning.

"Okay I'll tell David." Yolanda said through the phone.

"Thank you so much, I'll see you tomorrow then." I said trying her hardest not to cough and then hanging up.

I went to the doctor the previous day to find out what was causing the mysterious cough. A nurse called me in to check her vitals and I had a 102 degree fever, which made the nurse send me to a back room of the building. They said something about an infection, I didn't really care much about it. She just needed to get better. The doctor gave me some antibiotics to take for ten days.

I took the horse pills in the morning right after the phone call. But I wasn't going to have a cough stop me from working. But first I needs to take Amy to school.

Amy changing the radio stations every minute, bothering the hell out of me.

"Okay stop with changing the station." I finally spoke up.

"Sorry but I want to hear a decent song." Amy said furiously.

"You're gonna cause us to be in a car accident."

"No I won't that crazy." Amy said changing the station yet again.

I ignored Amy's rude comments on her outfit for today.

"Okay Amy. I don't need to wear the most perfect clothes. I'm sorry that I don't wear the hottest trends for you today."

"You're a fashion designer. You should always be wearing the biggest trends." Amy said rolling down the window

I roll up the window after it was messing up my hair and causing my eyes to water.

I turns the corner and drives to the section called "Drop Off" in front of the school. Waiting forever to have the cars move out of the way.

"Okay Amy. Call me when you want me to pick you up." I said as Amy opened the door.

"I'll jut have Jake take me home." Amy said closing the door and walking away.

I roll down the window, "Amy but call me to make sure."

"Okay bye." Amy said not turning around to look at me, her sick sister.

When I arrived back at her house, I took a quick nap. I woke up right before noon to make myself lunch. Before I could start making some soup, her phone beeped indicating a I received a text.

Punching in my password, 1013. I saw the text was from Kyle, a childhood friend.

Hey heard you were sick, maybe come over to my house for a bit to cheer you up :)

I responded.

Sure let me get my things together and I'll head over

Finally realizing I haven't changed out of my pajamas. I quickly headed up stairs to change into some jeans and a regular shirt. I grabbed her purse filled with all my essentials and headed over to Kyle's walking.

Hopefully he's going to have food because I was hungry. Very hungry.

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