Chapter 3 - You Made A Rebel

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Keith yawned as he climbed out of the training jet he had been piloting all day. He was used to these drills lasting until dark, but over the past couples of weeks Keith had fallen into the habit (thanks to a certain someone) of going to bed later than usual. He was pretty much ready to drag himself to his dorm and stay there forever more.

That being said sleep was currently the last thing on Keith's mind. During his drill he had spotted something and gone off the radar for a few minutes to check it out.

He knew it was against regulations and that he could get in trouble for it, but he had wanted to make sure it wasn't nothing before dragging Shiro out to it.

As Keith entered the Garrison he worked the zipper on his suit and shrugged off the top half so it now hung at his waist. His top half was still covered by his black tank, but somehow Keith felt exposed.

Since hanging out with Shiro everybody had been taking notice of Keith a lot more than he was used to. He was used to being ignored by practically everyone so he was finding all this new found attention quite overwhelming.

On top of that somehow someone had found out about him and Shiro leaving the Garrison a couple of weeks ago and this same someone somehow witnessed their departing kiss. Now it was all the other students could talk about and Keith did not appreciate it.

The extra attention had a very negative effect on his anxiety and it was taking a lot out of Keith to keep these effects hidden. Especially from Shiro. He didn't want anyone to see his weakness, let alone the one he had feelings for.

Keith quickly rounded the corner and kept going at a fast pace till he was inside his dorm. He needed to get out of these clothes and shower before he ran off to find Shiro.

He had just finished drying and clothing himself, as well as a small backpack filled with supplies they might need, when Keith heard a knock at his dorm's door. Keith groaned. He didn't have time for this. He needed to go and find Shiro.

"Alright what do you want? 'Cause I'm a little...Takashi!" Of course it was Shiro knocking at his door. Who else would it be? At least now Keith didn't have to go all the way across the other side of the Garrison, to Shiro's dorm. "I was just about to come looking for you."

"Oh, is that so?" Shiro asked.

"Mmmmhmmm." Keith replied as he stood on his tippy toes to plant a kiss on Shiro's lips. "Still have that hoverbike?"

"I do. Why?"

"I have something I want to show you."

"May I ask what it is?"

"Nope." Keith replied, making sure to pop the 'p'. "Wait right here." Keith said he quickly went back into his dorm to grab the backpack. "Come on, let's go!" He said as he came back out, shut the door and grabbed Shiro's hand, leading him down the corridor towards the North Exit.

As they sped across the desert Keith could feel his heart thumping against his chest harder than it usually did and he knew it wasn't to do with the adrenaline that was currently running through him. Shiro had his arms wrapped tight around Keith's waist and his head buried against Keith's neck.

A few moments later Shiro adjusted his head so that his chin was now resting on Keith's shoulder.

"So, handsome, can you tell me where we're headed yet or?"

Keith felt his stomach fill with butterflies and a smile spread across his face at Shiro calling him 'handsome'.

"I told you, it's a surprise. Now close your eyes." Keith had just spotted the rock formation he had spotted earlier. They were nearly there.

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