Chapter 4 - Last Kiss

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It had been nearly a year since Keith and Shiro had gotten to know each other and had started dating. For the most part they'd been inseparable. Until lately, that was.

Over the past couple months Shiro had been having a lot of test and drills. Normally he wouldn't have thought anything of it had Shiro not told him that only a select few were doing them. Keith was intrigued by this, even after Shiro had told him that the increase of tests was probably because the end of the year was close.

While he knew that there was a good chance that he was right (his own tests and drill had increases, but not in the way Shiro's had) his gut told him that something else was going on.

For a while Keith had tried talking to Shiro about the idea that something else was going on, but he wasn't having any of it. He was absolutely positive that these were just the average end of year tests. Nothing more, nothing less. After sometime he'd completely given up on mentioning the subject.

Keith's last class of the day had ended fifteen or so minutes ago so he was currently on Shiro's bed, waiting for him. Earlier that day, just before classes had started, Shiro had asked him to swing by his dorm at the end of the day. Why? Keith didn't know. Before Shiro had a chance to tell him the alarm had run and they'd been pushed apart by the groups of cadets that were quickly making their way to class.

Out of boredom, Keith was about to let his mind wander when Shiro walked in.

"Keith! You're here! Give me a second to freshen up and we'll go alright?" Shiro asked as he entered the bathroom.

"Sure thing. Mind telling me where we're going exactly?" Keith replied.

"Actually it's not really where we're going that's important, but what we'll see when we get there."

"Is that so?"

"Yes-" Shiro said as he exited the bathroom "-ready to go?"

"Yeah." Keith said hopping off of Shiro's bed.

As they made their way across the desert Keith watched as the scenery raced past them. They'd been coming out here long enough now that he was able to recognize certain areas. By everything he was recognizing he began to believe they were headed for their shack. That belief was short lived as a few moments later Keith realised that he no longer recognized where they were. He didn't bother asking where they were headed as he had a pretty good feeling that he knew the answer. Shiro would tell him that he had to be patient and he'd see when they got there.

A few minutes later Keith watched as the sand dunes that had been around them for a while now began to decline in size. It wasn't long before the dunes completely disappeared.

A few more minutes later and rocks began to appear. As time got on the rocks began to increase in size to the point that they began to form what appeared to be wall on either side of them. That was when Keith realised that they were entering a canyon. From what he knew there was only one canyon near the Garrison and cadets were prohibited from going anywhere near it. Every cadet that did the flying drills knew this as the instructor reminded them every single day.

After a while the canyon started to become narrow. It got so narrow that Shiro was forced to stop the hoverbike. Keith was first off the bike. As Shiro got off he turned to face him. "Where to now?" he asked.

Shiro pointed to the narrowest part of the canyon. "There's a passage through there. On the other side is what I wanted to show you."

"Alright, let's get going then."

"Hang on. Just in case someone comes by we need to hide the bike."

After they finished hiding the bike they made their way for the passage.

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