Chapter 1;

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"Do you really have to go?" I groaned.

"Wish, this is a big opportunity!" She huffed. She hates when I bring up the band. "Plus, I'll be with Ricky." She shrugged. Aka the love of her life.

"I know. I just don't like change, you know that. Who knows what kind of creepy roommate I'm gonna get." I sighed.

"I'll send post cards." She smirked.

"You're touring the south coast of California." I said hooding my eyes. Her head fell back with her laughter.

"We'll keep in touch, and we'll obviously hang out when the tour is over." She winked.

"You're mental." I pursed.

"I know." She admitted.

"When does your flight leave?" I pondered.

"I don't know. An hour or so." She shrugged carelessly.

"Do you need a ride?" I tsked.

"Nope, Ricky's getting me." She smiled. I think it's absolutely adorable how Brooke awes over Ricky. They're so meant for each other though with them being popular and all. Ricky is practically covered head to toe in tattoos and he has gages. Brooke wants tattoos, but she's afraid of the pain.

They're not that bad. I have one on my hip under my pant line, but no one knows about it. I got it after my ex and I split thinking it would relieve the hurt, which it did.

"When are you guys gonna go out?" I wondered.

"We're not. That'd be unprofessional." She chuckled. I rolled my eyes and helped her put the remainder of her clothes in her suitcase making me realize how different we actually are. She hangs out with all the bad ass punks and I just got here a couple months ago. They're not my seen, I hang around the sporty groups mostly.

"Ricky's here." She murmured. She zipped up her suitcase and heaved it on the ground.

"I'll walk down with you." I nod, grabbing her carry on bag.

We walk outside and the fall air hits me like a ton of bricks. Winter is coming soon. I fucking hate winter.

Ricky is standing outside his car, leaned up against the door with his arms crossed over his chest. He looks pretty attractive.

"Let me help you." He scurried, grabbing the suitcase from Brooke. He pounds his fist against the trunk and it pops open to my surprise. He set the suitcase down and grabbed the duffel bag from me, tossing it back there too.

"I'll miss you Wish." Brooke half smiled.

"I'll miss you too cootie." I cackled at our inside joke.

"Don't get in to much trouble, I know my friends are intimidating." She chuckled.

"Yea, I'll stay away from them." I nodded reassuringly.

"I'm not saying that, just don't fall under there games. Even Harrys. He's cute, but he's deceiving.. I mean that in the nicest way possible." She groaned, clearly lying.

"I'll be okay." I huff.

"I know, I know. Just lookin out."

"Hug me." I whine. She came at me full force with her arms wide open.

"I'm gonna miss you Louise!" She fake sobbed onto my shoulder.

"Shut up, I fucking hate that name."

"But it's your name." She retorted pulling away.

"It's nasty." I said making a stink face. She giggled, and reached for the handle on Ricky's Toyota.

"Don't hate on yourself, geez. I guess I'll be going now." She sighed dramatically. That's Brooke for you.

"Don't forget to call me." I reminded.

"I wont. It may not be until tomorrow, but I wont forget." She smirked.

"Okay, have fun guys." I smile before slowly backing away from the car. They waved to me as they drove out of the parking lot to dorm building.

As I get back up to the room, I already feel alone and bored. I may as well take a nap.


I wake up and it's nearly nine thirty. How did I manage to sleep for six hours. I didn't even wake up until roughly one.

I get up defeated. I walk around lazily looking for something to do. My dorm isn't very large, larger than most, but still quite small. I walk over to the kitchen area and grab my leftovers from taco bell out of the fridge. I place the contents in the microwave and push random numbers. I take a seat at the table made for four, ironically, there's only one.

I got up and checked my food, taking it out and setting it on the table. I grabbed a fork from the dish rack and dove in, stuffing my face. A six hour nap creates and appetite if you didn't know.

While I'm eating, I replay Brookes comment in my head,  just don't fall under there games. Even Harrys. He's cute, but he's deceiving..

What does she mean by he's cute, but deceiving? I've seen him around and he seems decent for the most part. I mean, we don't exactly talk, like I said before, they're not my seen, but he seems...nice. He has far too many tattoos and snake bites, but he can pull it off. I just wonder what that clique do around here. They don't seem to interested in school.

Take Brooke for example, I love her to death, but she just dropped out of college to be in a band. How did they even get into UCLA? I'm here studying Culinary Arts. What are they doing? Slacking at parties every weekend cause they can? It doesn't matter, it just doesn't make sense is all.

My thoughts were bombarded by a knock on the door. I was almost done with my fiesta potatoes, so I figure who ever it is can wait for me to finish two more bites.

Obviously not, because the knock comes again. I mutter cuss words under my breath and tromp to the door. I unlatch the chain and pull it open. It's that guy. Harry.

"Who the hell are you?" He muttered. Oh, okay.

"I'm Wish." I nodded, getting annoyed by his present attitude. Clearly Brooke was right.

"Well move." He demanded.

"This is my room. Not yours." I huff. He rolled his eyes and pushed passed me anyways. Well fuck you too you big jerk.

"Where's Brooke?" He wondered, aggravation in his voice.

"She left. She wont be back for two months." I shrug.

"Well where the hell did she go?" He spit, his anger rising.

"Fucking calm down." I groaned. "She left with Ricky to go on tour with their band. Wouldn't you know that, being her friend in all." I spit right back at him.

"Shut the fuck up. Of course she would leave. Where did she go?"

"I already told you. Now leave." I utter, holding the door open.

He glares at me before stomping over to door, making me jump back. He grabs the door with his massive hand and slams it behind him as he stormed out of my room.

Well someone is obviously pissed.

I rejoin my food in the kitchen and finish off my potatoes.

What the fuck was it with him and Brooke? He seemed so pissed by her not being here. Like he didn't know she left? Everyone knew she was leaving. Sure she'll be touring around here and a couple other cities, but that doesn't stop the fact that she left.

If he knew her well enough to be that pissed with her, you'd think he'd know where the hell she's going.

I roll my eyes at my thoughts. Brook was definitely right. He is deceiving. And a dick.


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