Staying Strong

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Blake's P.O.V

We stayed there for a few minutes til I heard her stomach growl. "You need to eat Alice." I stood up and bended to carry her. "Blake what are you doing?" she said in shock.

By the time I had her in my arms I started walking as she held onto me "Blake put me down."

I chuckled "Sorry Alice but I'm gonna teach you how to stay strong so don't worry." We were in the kitchen now as I sat her down on the stool. "So what do you want to eat?" She smiled "Pizza." I chuckled "Me too. Problem is I don't know how to make pizza."

She giggled "Its okay I'll order it." She had a weird rectangular shape thing. "Um what's that?" She looked up "Its a cell phone. But this is an iPhone 5 the latest." She held the 'iPhone 5' to her ear. "Hi I'd like to order two large cheese pizza please. Yeah." she stood up and walked out the kitchen.

Staying Strong. How am I suppose to teach her? I need to be at school with her. Damn. I wrestled with scary thoughts that she might cut herself again or worse kill herself. She walked back in with a smile, her hand still bleeding though some of the blood was dried up. I took off my shirt. "What are you doing?"

I went over by the sink and had the bottom of the shirt wet. "Alice come here." She was by my side in an instant giving me an odd stare. "Again Blake what are you doing?" I brought her arm up "I'm taking care of the girl who allowed me to stay with her." She smiled "Is she pretty?" I chuckled as I wiped away some of the dried blood gently. "No she's more than that. She's amazingly beautiful and I've never been more sure."

I kissed her forehead "Promise me you won't cut yourself anymore." We were locked in each other's gazes. She smiled and so did I. A faint blush appeared on her cheeks. I couldn't contain the urge to kiss her but as I leaned in, the doorbell rang.

"Um I need to go get that." When she left, I swear I wanted to punch myself in the face. Why did I hesitate when she was right there? Man I'm so stupid. "Yeah thanks." I heard her say and she came in with two boxes. The smell of it was great and mouthwatering. "Let's eat." She smiled and opened one of the boxes. There it was.

As we ate I couldn't help but think about my chance. It was mine but I just let it slip like it was nothing. Alice was eating all the cheese first while I watched and in all honesty it made me laugh. She poked out her tongue and laughed along with me. "I can do it too you know." I challenged. She narrowed her eyes "Oh yeah? Wanna bet then?" I shrugged playfully "Sure if you're not scared."

She giggled "Scared? I'm the master of eating hot cheese and not breathe like a retarded dragon if it's too hot." I laughed "Okay okay you win." She had her hands up in the air "Yeah that's right. I win." she chanted while grinning. I love seeing her happy cause it made my heart race.

After talking, teasing and silence I smiled at her. "What?" I chuckled "I want to attend school." I announced but she stared like I was growing a third eye or something. "No way that's not happening Blake. No way." She responded

I frowned "And why not?" She laid her head down "No cause they're gonna stare and hate me more and more so no. I'm tired of all the drama Blake just please don't." "Alice it'll mean the world to me if I come so I can protect you."

"No and no means no okay? Blake everyone knew I wasn't the dating type. I don't party, don't date and of course I don't drink or smoke. I'd rather die than do any of those. Everyone hates me because they think you and I are an item. I don't even think you'd want to date me at all. I'm serious Blake you are not going. That's why Chris and Megan came here that other day so they can spy on me and when you came to the living room they recorded you and took photos handing them out to everyone today. Everyone believed Tracey but I know the truth"

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