Why not tell?

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The whole day has been nothing but drama and its all my fault. Alice was right I shouldn't have come here.

"What do you want?" I heard Alice ask. I heard someone being slapped and decided to peek. "You need to learn how to shut up. You have someone I want." She grabbed her by the front of her shirt "You better stay out of my way Alice or else." That's it.

I walked towards Tracey "Don't you dare touch her." She turned around. She let go of her shirt "Hey Blake." She smiled. Alice walked away. Dammit Alice I'm trying so hard here yet you seem so disappointed in me.

Tracey however came towards me "So?" I was seriously not in the mood. "Please move I have to go after her." She put her hand on my chest "But Blake I-" I pushed her aside "Sorry"

I ran after Alice. "Alice wait." She stops and another guy steps in. I decided to wait and watch what happens "Hey Alice." She smiled "Hi Luke, what's up?" He looked at her with a slight redness on his cheek "Can...Can I take you to uh dinner tonight?" My heart was racing at this point.

Please say no, no. "Sure." I was stunned. "Great um I'll pick you up at 7" She smiled "That'll be wondrous thank-you." Since when was Alice so lady like? Something is wrong here.

"Alice?" She turned around. "Oh its you." She responded. Someone help me. "So uh you're gonna.. you're going to a dinner?" She looked away "Yeah, why? Is there a problem with that?" I knew she was still upset. "Look Alice I didn't mean to upset you."

"Just let it go Blake it's fine I'm use to it. Besides this would be my first date and I'm feeling nervous." I felt awkward. Here she was oblivious to any of my feelings and she's talking about how nervous she was. "You don't have to feel nervous I'm here." She smiled and gazed down at her feet. She sat down on the stairs and so did I. "Thanks Blake, I hope tonight goes well." I swallowed my pride "Yeah me too. He better treat like a proper lady or I'll have to beat him up." she giggled "Blake there's no need for violence okay?"

I chuckled "I know I just .. I'm sorry I'm worried about you. Its not my business but I want you to be safe and be happy. Is that so wrong?" I pleaded quietly as we settled into a moment of silence. "Yeah it is. Just stop acting like you care maybe then I'll be happy." I was hurt. I've never felt this kinda of pain.

"Okay. I'm sorry." "Blake that's -" We heard honking which I was grateful for. "Guys!" "Blake?" I smiled "Just forget it. I'll be fine."

Alice's P.O.V

I didn't mean to hurt him yet the way he looked at me haunted me. We got in the car and Jase grinned "So how was school guys?" The excitement in his voice couldn't be contained. "It was great." Blake replied in the same tone. I was thankful he acted normal. "So Blake, you're probably a ladies man right?" Blake chuckled "Maybe. You could teach me how to become the ideal gentleman ." Jason knew something was up. "Are you okay?" Blake didn't say anything just stared out the window. It got awkward and I hated the tension. Jase's eyes flicked to mine, asking if something went wrong. "Um Jason, i want to walk home if that's alright." Blake asked. Jason stopped and pulled over. "You sure?" He smiled "Yeah."

He got out and so did I. "Alice get in the car." Blake scowled. "No, I'm walking with you." He got in the car and so did I. Then he got out again and so did I. "What is wrong with you?" He asked. "Nothing just let me walk with you." He sighed "Fine." Yes, Now all I have to do is find out why he's like that.

"Blake um did I say anything that was out of line?" He was quiet "No, its fine." He's acting weird 'You think!' My thoughts bit back. I couldn't help but feel guilty about what I said. "Blake I'm sorry." He kept walking not listening probably. I sighed. I knew this would happen. "You don't have to worry Alice I won't be here long." I walked a little faster to keep up with him "What's that suppose to mean?" He smiled but his eyes were lying and it hurts me seeing him like this. "I'll leave if you want me to." I stopped "What do you mean if I want to." He grabbed my hand "Just wait til we get home and we'll talk okay?" "No, talk to me now."

He stared me down "No, let's get home and we'll talk about it. I don't want to upset you." I refused "No, I'm already upset. Blake stop we have to discuss it now." I yelled in frustration that made people around us stare as if we were a couple arguing about plans. "You know what Alice I don't care anymore I'm leaving. I'm sorry I appeared before you."

He walked away and left me in tears. My tears were spilling like rain and I knew it was my fault because I was being a brat. I made a scene when I should've followed him home. The rain came and I stood there wet, all I was thinking about was Blake. How funny he was, kind and was always smiling, and it hadn't occured to me til now that I love him.

I'm in love with Blake Cross and in the amount of time we just knew each other I fell in love with him, slowly and it took me this long to figure out why I've always felt happy when he's with me but when he leaves like that I'm filled with sorrow as if the purpose of my existence is no longer important.

Does that make sense? I have no idea, I walked away till someone covered my mouth with a rag and toxic making me feel dizzy, sleepy. "ALICE!" I heard someone shout but my eyes were just heavy. My lids closed on me and I drifted off to sleep. I didn't know what happened til someone held an umbrella over my head. "I'm sorry Alice, I didn't mean to hurt you that way." I looked up, tears blurring my vision while I smiled and hugged him. Feeling a little feverish, "Blake could you carry me home please? I feel a little feverish." "Alice I'm so sorry." He apologized over and over again but I didn't respond. I felt so sick, I drifted off to sleep in my wet clothes.

-2 hours later_

I woke up feeling warm and comfortable. I sat up and realized I was in my room, wearing pajamas. A soft knock came to the door "Alice? You awake?" Jason called out. "Yeah I'm up." He came in with a tray of dinner. "How are you feeling?" I smiled "Alright I guess. What happened?" "Eat while I explain." He ordered. I nodded and ate quietly "Blake brought you home wet and I called our old nanny Mrs. Ross to change you into warm clothes. She said that you've got a high fever and that we let you rest. So what happened with Blake?"

"I don't know.. I" I could feel his eyes on me waiting for an answer "Where is he?" He sighed "Alice, I'm sorry .." I wanted to believe he wasn't gone I had hope. "Jase you're not telling me something." I accused. "Blake left this morning. I'm sorry Alice I told him to stay but he said he can't he'll hurt you more."

Blake's P.O.V

I love her. That was the simple truth I accepted but it wasn't enough to stop the pain she's been through ever since I got there. I don't even think that made any sense but I love her.

Jase convinced me of surety to stay but I couldn't bear seeing her hurt. It's too much for her and I don't want to be a bother in her life.

I disappear back to the land I call home seeing familiar faces instead I went up to my bedroom. "Son?" I smiled "Hello Father. How art thou?" He chuckled "I'm fine young child." I sighed and laid on the bed. "Something seems to be bothering you. What is it?"

I had no intentions of hiding it from him. He's the only one that understood me in this hell of a kingdom. "Father, if you love someone but in the same sense hurt her what would you do?" He smiled "Ah, you've found someone special then haven't you?" I nodded "Yes I have but the thought of hurting her kills me inside."

"I understand son. The best way is to forget about her and move on." He was right, there's no point in holding on when you keep hurting her. "But you're forgetting that true love cannot be forgotten. It is happiness we all seek and treasure up in our hearts. You love her?" I closed my eyes, picturing her smiling at me with a hint of blush. "Of course I love her. I'd do anything to have her with me right now."

I heard him chuckle "Then why don't you prepare for the journey back and bring her here for a week to experience our world. I would love to meet her." That was a very good idea, that way we can enjoy being together without anyone bothering us. So I won't hurt her.

"Are you sure?" I asked too excitedly and he smiled "Of course she sounds wonderful and I'd like to meet the person that stole my son's heart." I don't know what I did but I hugged my dad and its been a long time since I last hugged him. "Thank-you father thank-you." He chuckled "Well its been a long time since I last seen you happy and hugged me." He hugged me tightly "I love you dad." "I love you too son."

After talking to my father, I laid back in bed just lost in thoughts of Alice. How is she? Is your health well? I was stupid for leaving her like that by herself in the rain. How could I abandon her when she was hurting? I let out a sigh as the truth began to unfold itself. I was angered that some guy swept her off her feet when I should've at least told me him. I also missed my chance of kissing her. Damn Blake

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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