Chapter 9 Camp

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Chapter nine woow i am the most inconsistant poster ever sorry but enjoy.


            "Finn get up we’re leaving” It was Asher waking me from my slumber. I sat up onto my elbow expecting to be in my warm bed my brother Kai on the other bed across from me. Once I saw all the trees of the forest the feel of the hard cold dirt beneath me I knew I wasn’t home. Home seem like such a faraway dream that I would no longer have the privilege of having anymore. Asher was moving quickly next to me packing his back pack and folding up his quilt next to me. His glasses a skewed across his face, lines appearing on his forehead making him look much older than sixteen. I followed his lead and did the same packing my stuff together.

            “Are we almost there Asher?” I questioned. He looks up at the sky the sun peeking from just beyond the trees as they glistened with light dew from the morning’s early fog.

            “Yeah from what I remember we should be their within an hour or so.” he looks at me and smiles. “You ready to move forward?” I can’t help but think his question meant more than just walking toward our destination, but to move on with my life. I guess there was nothing for me but to move forward.

            “Well we defiantly can’t backtrack now can we?” I say with dry sarcasm. He nods his head in agreement. By the look in his eyes I could tell he was thinking about what happened the past few days as well as I. But I have to move forward, we have to move forward.

            I can’t stop my mind from thinking as were walking. What is this Rat Camp going to be like? Who the Hell was Echo and how does Asher know where the camp even is. Both Asher and I have never left our region. Ever. So how he would know is beyond me. I’ve never felt like there was a barrier between me and him. We always told each other everything, because we were brothers, but now that he was keeping things from me it’s making me question what else he has been keeping from me.

Asher stops suddenly looking around slowly cocking his head slowly left to right.

            “What’s the matter?” Asher puts his hand up telling me to keep it down.

            “Did you hear that?” he says pointing in the direction of the noise. As soon as he points there’s a menacing shriek from what sounds like a bird, but from no bird I’ve ever heard. Asher and I back up slowly and everything seem to go quiet. The only sound to be heard was the sound of our boots breaking leaves and twigs as we walked backwards. The wind stood still as if it had all the air had been sucked up.

            My back hit a tree as the bark scrapped my back.

            “I think someone’s here.” Asher whispered, but his words seemed to get swallowed up by the silence. Out of nowhere all I here is the sound of air being sliced through rapidly.

            “Finn get out the way!” Asher shouts, but I have no idea what he’s talking about until I see a knife coming at me full speed.

But there’s no time to move.

My muscle stiffen against the bark of the tree, just let this be over fast is all I think.

Thunk. The sound of hard metal embedding itself into the bark of the tree. I breathe heavily not knowing I was holding my breath for so long. I run my hands over my body my. My chest, arms, head, all clear. So where did the knife go? I hear Asher next to me bent over in…laughter?

            “Why the Hell are you laughing!” I shout. I was utterly confused on what was going on and Asher obviously wasn’t going to tell me because his laughter seem to debilitate him so he just pointed toward my legs. I look down and behold was the knife…right in between my legs just inches away from my groin.

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