Chapter 6 Contained Freedom

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now that its summer vacation I now have time to write yayaya enjoy a long awaited chapter


Rex came toward me the needle steady in his grimy hand and a matching grin 

            “What the hell is that stuff?”  I said my voice shaking slightly against my will. Rex gave out a murderous, almost delirious laugh and what he said next puzzled me the most.

            “The key to winning this goddamn war!” he spoke in a harsh whisper next to my ear sending an unwelcome chill down my spine. The silver needle came closer to my neck so that it lay on my skin ever so gently, just waiting. And waiting. I thrash around my head with what little strength I had left in me.

            “Keep the boy still T!” He roared and immediately T’s big sausage fingers held my head and slammed in back against the cold hard concrete wall.

I couldn’t move.

I couldn’t run.

I couldn’t cry out for help because of course no one would come for me.

Somebody please help me… I’m afraid! 

The needle penetrated my skin searing the flesh that surrounded the needle. Deeper and deeper it drove into my skin and that was when Rex pushed the green tinted liquid into my neck. The substance caused my neck to burn like someone had lit me afire as it coagulated with my blood. My throat was suddenly dry and scorched. I let out a load groan in an attempt to scream. I felt T let go of my forehead and my head dropped to my chest. The fire spread throughout my body, first my legs, my stomach, my chest…. my heart until it crept up to my head. I screamed and kicked, but the chains were holding me back.

  I could feel every nerve ending alive like never before.

I could feel my veins popping out of my neck and it felt…it felt…

            It felt great.

A voice spoke into my head. Deep smooth and powerful. I’ve heard this voice before. I heard it every week on Monday morning’s right as the sun rose. An on-call would blare though the speakers of the city. The on-call was the same every week,

           ‘People of new America I expect you all to work together in peace to make this world a better place for us all. Our Cults are here to keep you safe. Any rebellion will not be tolerated. If you suspect anyone of such behavior it is to be reported immediately. No one is allowed passed the curfew of 10:00. This is Elector Dermot and together we shall strive for a better new!’

            It was him! Dermot inside my head!

‘Why good day my new creation, he spoke so gently, but yet poison dripped off every word ‘I have designed you to help me in my endeavors to win the war. I have designed you to KILL. If you so choose to disobey me… which you won’t’ He breathed in deep letting out a slight laugh then breathed in again,

            ‘Then so help you god I won’t hesitate to kill you myself’   and he was gone just like that then everything was dark.

 “Finn, Finn, Finn!” said a voice “Come on wake up we’ve gotta get outa here” I knew this voice it was Asher! I tried hard to open my eyes, but they were just too heavy, like lead.

            I let out a few groans just to show him I was trying and I wasn’t dead.

            “That’s it brother, come on back to Me.” he said so desperately “We don’t have a lot of time.” My eyes finally bore light into them, but that was impossible this place was completely dark. Wasn’t it, but then I saw where the light was coming from? The wooden gates that have been shut leaving me in the dark for so long was…open. How the was that possi-

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