You're a Merman?!

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"You guys are a bunch of wimps!" Ron laughed, as he got ready to jump off the dock.

"It's just so deep here, and cold!" Said Mikey.

"I'm about to jump off with you if all those boys in that canoe over there keep looking at me," Enid stated, motioning to a canoe full of boys not far from the dock there were on.

Ron shook his head and sighed, then dove into the water.

'Man, this is cold!' He thought.

The dock was very very high up from the water, and was so far away from shore, you couldn't even see the shore.

So, Ron basically went almost all the way to the bottom.

The water's surface with the sun reflecting it was amazing. And he wasn't out of breath, so he enjoyed the view briefly, before he felt movement in the water around him.

He looked around. He hadn't ever been out this far from the shore, and who knows what was down here!

All he could see was darkness. He started to swim up - but he couldn't.

Now he was really panicking!

"Hey!" He heard. Was someone talking to him? Underwater? How was it even possible to hear someone that clearly even if someone -or something- was talking to him?

He believed it was just his imagination, so he continued to try and swim back up, but it was no use.

"Hey! I'm talking to you! You can breathe," A mysterious voice told him.

So someone was talking to him. But how? Should he even listen to some random voice telling him to do something that could possibly kill him?

Ron was running out of breath. He had no choice. He inhaled. And was fine! He didn't die!

"W-What? H-How am I breathing?" He asked himself. Was he already dead?

He heard a little kid's laughter coming from behind some thick seaweed.

This wasn't adding up. Could things get any weirder? Yes.

Ron swam over to the seaweed and pushed it away, but once he touched it, he could see crystal clear, and everything was so bright and colourful!

He took his hand off the plant, and it went back to dark, blurry underwater vision.

He placed his hand on the seaweed, and he could see 20/20!

He swam through the seaweed, and looked around.

Ron saw the most unusual sight.

There was a boy, laughing with a little girl, hidden behind a huge coral reef. (See what I did there >:D)

He swam over to the. They seemed human, just like him! How could they breathe underwater?

The boy had dark, long brown hair, and sparkly blue eyes. He looked about a year or so younger than Ron.

The little girl looks about three or four. She had short, curly blonde hair.

The boy looked over to Ron.

They both looked at each other the exact same way- terrified.

Suddenly, the boy looked away, and his face went as red as a tomato.

He whispered something to the little girl, and she swam off.

"Who are you? What's going on?" Ron frantically asked him.

The boy swam closer.

"Y-You're a human. A-And I thought you were," The boy started but paused.

"Cool, S-So I made you able to breathe and see underwater." It was clear he was nervous.

Ron's mind was processing all this craziness, and he needed some clarity.

"You're not human?" He asked.

The boy shook his head embarrassingly, then swam over the reef to above Ron.

Ron's eyes widened. This boy was definitely not human. He had a tail! Actually, a mermaid tail!

He was speechless.

The boy swam to Ron and they were inches apart.

"Pretty cool, huh?" He smiled.

"W-What-You-Huh?" Ron stuttered.

The boy laughed. "I'm Carl. You?"


From there, Carl showed Ron where he lived.

Carl, his mom and dad (who were at work), and his little sister Judith all lived inside the ruins of an old ship. It was pretty cool!

Ron had also learned that Carl had never been to the human world. He'd been up on the water's surface, but not close to any real people.

"You should come back with me!" Ron told him.

"What?" Carl asked.

"Yeah! You've always wanted to come. And plus, your parents are at work anyways."

Carl shrugged and sighed. "I don't know enough. And I have to watch Judy. But, maybe Michonne could watch her..."

Ron nodded. "Totally! And you'll never know anything about our world unless you visit!"

Carl was excited. But his face grew into a frown when he realized the one thing stopping him.

"My tail..." Carl complained.

"Oh. Right." Ron sighed, but then he got an idea.

"My friends are probably still up on that dock! You could meet them! And there's a little ice cream shop on shore, I could get you some!"

And so that's what they did.

"Wait, how come I can't swim up?" Ron asked Carl when they were about to go visit the dock.

"Oh, um," Carl said, blushing. "I forgot about that part."

Ron tilted his head in confusion. "Forgot about what part?"

"When someone comes down here, it's usually to make them a mermaid - or, merman. But if you want to go back up, you have to do one thing." Carl told him, fiddling with his hair nervously.


Carl swam towards Ron so fast, Ron didn't even notice what had happened until he felt a warm, tingly feeling on his lips.

Carl's hands were on Ron's shoulders, almost pushing him backwards, he put so much force into swimming at him. He was tense as well, because what would Ron think of him now?

Ron was actually enjoying himself. He had never kissed a boy before, but he kind of had the feeling he liked boys, too.

So he kissed back. And Carl relaxed. Ron put his hands loosely just above Carl's hips, because he was afraid of feeling his gilly tail.

Neither of them wanted it to end, so it didn't. And so they made out.

And they didn't stop until they were somehow were up above the water. They gasped for breath and looked up at the dock.

Enid and Mikey had never looked so shocked in their life!

"Guys, this is Carl," Ron said, putting his arm around him, smiling.

"Man, you were gone for like a minute! If I swim down there can I come up with a girlfriend?" Mikey questioned, looking down at the water.

"Me too?" Said Enid.

Yay! So I finished this. It was kind of a long request (and unusual) but I had a lot of fun writing this! This was actually a pretty cool idea! :D

Keep sending requests! I have one more to do so far.

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