Happy Birthday Carl

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So I know that in the comics Carl's birthday is in March or April but who cares! ;D

Ron was always a busy man. As an accountant, he was also always stressed over all those numbers and keeping track of money.

All this week, he had been on night shift. So, he gets home in the early hours of the morning, sleeps all day, and goes into work at night.

Carl missed him all week. He had a job as assistant manager at GameStop, which closed at 9PM, so he would never have to work a night shift in his life.

Carl especially missed him this week too, because on Thursday it was Carl's birthday, and he knew Ron was working.

Wednesday evening

Carl sighed, as he walked in the door of his and his boyfriend's apartment, and laid down on the couch.

His birthday was tomorrow. What was he going to do? Probably see his parents and Judy. At least he had the day off.

Carl got up, had a shower, and got into bed.

Meanwhile at the bank, Ron was on break. It was around midnight. Only five more hours. Instead of texting Carl a happy birthday, he decided to write him a love letter that he would read when he woke up.

When Ron finally got home, he taped the letter to the chocolate milk in the fridge, knowing that's what Carl would drink as soon as he woke up.

After that, he went into his and Carl's bedroom, kissed Carl on the forehead, and fell asleep.

When Carl woke up, as usual he was very quiet to try not to wake his boyfriend.

"Well, happy birthday to me," He whispered to himself as he made his way into the kitchen.

He opened the fridge, looking for some delicious chocolate milk to start off his day. But there was an envelope taped to it, that read "Carl."

He picked up the chocolate milk and took the letter off and opened it up.

It read:

I am so sorry I have to miss your birthday. Nothing sucks more than being here working over happily celebrating the day my precious baby bear was born. We'll celebrate tomorrow, I promise. But for now I just want to say you are the most amazing person I have ever met. We've been through so much together, and all I wish is for you to be happy on your special day. I love you so so so much baby. Have a great day, enjoy turning 22!
      - Ron

Carl couldn't stop smiling. He was so happy.

He took a magnet and put the letter on the fridge.

His birthday was off to a great start.


Ron had actually gotten off early today, but he didn't tell Carl because he wanted it to be a surprise.

So when he got out of the bank at 9:30PM, he went shopping.

Being on the night shift schedule means you don't have any time to shop for presents!

He went into GameStop, and asked Carl's co-workers if there had been anything in the store he talked about.

Sure, Ron had asked Carl, but it's hard when he says, "I don't know, you don't have to get me anything!"

"He doesn't really say much, but he did say a few days ago that he'd really like to play Overwatch!" Someone said.

And so Ron bought that,  some plaid shirts, and a nice watch. There was really nothing else he could think of, so he just threw some money in a card.

And he didn't have any time to wrap or buy a gift bag, so he would just walk in with all the shopping bags.

Carl was at home, trying to watch a funny movie, but he couldn't get over the fact that he was alone on his birthday.

Yes, he had seen his family earlier, but he missed Ron. And Enid and Mikey were busy with their baby, so they couldn't even come over.

It was about 11:00, and even though Carl wasn't really that tired, there wasn't anything to do, so he just wanted to sleep.

He shut the television off, and was about to change into his pyjamas when the door opened.

Ron carefully put the bags on the floor and went over to Carl and hugged him.

"I thought you had work?" Carl asked.

Ron shook his head. "I got off early. I wanted it to be a surprise. Happy birthday baby boy."

Ron caressed his cheek before pulling Carl in for a loving kiss.

"I'll be right back, and if you touch those presents, I'll cut your hand off," Ron said as he broke away from Carl and walked out the door.

He went up to Mikey and Enid's and let himself in. They were feeding their kid when Ron said,

"Just here to pick up the cupcakes."

He went into their fridge, and took the foil pan out.

Ron brought it back to his and Carl's place.

"No looking until I say so, okay?" Ron told Carl, who was on the couch.

"What? Okay?" He said.

He set the pan on the kitchen counter and grabbed two plates and the candles he'd bought.

Ron placed two cupcakes onto a plate for Carl, and stuck a number 2 candle in each cupcake, and lit them.

As he walked towards Carl, he started to sing.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Carl, happy birthday to you!"

Now Ron was sitting beside Carl on the couch, holding the plate in front of Carl.

Carl was so happy he was about to cry.

"Did you make these?" He asked, about the cupcakes.

"Of course I did! Just for you, now make a wish!" Ron replied.

Carl blew out the candles, and Ron took them out and placed them on the table.

Then, Ron fed Carl the cupcakes he'd made, taking some of the icing  off of it to put it on Carl's nose.

And many many many hot make out sessions later, they went to sleep.

Best. Birthday. Ever.

Brought to you by: it's 2am but I need to finish this...

Anyways I'll still accept requests at any time if people want to send some, I'd be happy to do some more! This prompt was just sitting in my camera roll for like, months now, and I just wanted to do it.

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