See you in detention

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Sorry if I mess some stuff up about high school and basically the whole detention thing, I've never been to detention let alone high school soooooo

Carl's POV

Ron Anderson. He's the most gorgeous person I've ever seen. His eyes look like green sapphires, and his hair looks like the softest thing known to man. His smile lights up my whole world, and when we have this one science class together, all I can think about is him.

It's really hard to see him nowadays with me being a sophmore and him being a senior and all. If you're wondering why we have a class together at all, it's because Ron didn't take science at all in ninth, tenth, or eleventh grade. But i'm glad at sat two rows behind him so he can't see me staring at him all the time.

But since he's in my class, science has become my worst subject. Could you blame me, though? How could you pay attention in class and all when you're just constantly distracted by someone's beauty all the-


Oh, great. I'm not even paying attention and of course the teacher has to call on me. I look at the board and it asks some dumb question on cells that I don't know the answer to. Crap.

And has the class been staring at me this whole time?

"Uh, yeah?" I say.

"Stop drooling over Ron and pay attention!" Mrs. Peletier yells. "By the way, you have detention after school."

People start to whisper and quietly laugh. A few people whistle.

I roll my eyes and try my best to hide my embarrassment and the fact that I'm a blushing mess.

"W-Whatever," I stutter out, definitely not sounding cool like I thought I would.

"That's two days now, Grimes. Watch yourself," She adds. "Now back to the lesson."

Are you serious?! Could this day even get any worse? This is the most embarrassing thing in the whole world.

"Hey, Mikey! You're a piece of shit!" Ron yells across the room to his friend, Mikey.

"Hey! That's detention for you, too, Anderson!" Mrs. Peletier shouts.

I kind of feel bad for her. She had a really terrible husband, and her daughter passed away when she was twelve. Now she has to deal with all these high school troublemakers.

"Oh, man! Whatever shall I do?" Says Ron, sarcastically. He turns around with a smirk plastered on his face,  winks at me, and turns back around.

My heart practically explodes, and as if on que, the bell rings.

I had lunch next, which was with the the seniors. This was the only day which i wished i didn't. After last period, no way.

I went and met Enid in the line for food, and quietly told her what had happened.

"Ooooh, you and your super gay crush are gonna get it on in detention! You have to tell me what happens!" She squealed.

"Shut up! We are not! And Probably nothing will happen," I say.

"What do you mean? If he wasn't into you, why would he hit on you during class? And make himself have detention right after you got it?"

I shrugged. "I guess you kind of have a point. I'm still scared about going to detention though. Mr. M is scary."

"Yeah, but he's not as bad as he used to be, so I heard. He want all that mean when I had detention before," She told me.

The rest of the day seemed to pass rather quickly, and soon it was the end of the day - and the start of detention.

I'd never ever been in detention before, and my mom practically hollered the roof down when i told her on the phone.

"The rules are simple - no leaving your seat, no phones, and there is absolutely no talking! If you have to speak, you raise your hand. Got it?" Mr. M.  said. There are two Mr. Dixons, who are actually brothers, so we call one Mr. M for Merle.

"And you don't want to mess with me, so i advise you to follow the rules. Eh, Grimes?" He says, walking over to the desk i'm seated at and putting his hands on the edge of the desk, leaning into me.

I nod slowly. I'm terrified.

"Where's your boyfriend?" He teases.

I don't want to risk saying anything, so i just shrug my shoulders.

"Speak of the devil," He smirks, and Ron comes and sits in he desk next to me.

"This should be good," He whispers, mostly to himself but i'm pretty sure all the other 14 students could hear.

I should probably do my homework. I don't want to do it when i get home, and i really have nothing else to do.

Before i can even open my history textbook, Ron slides me a folded up piece of paper. I open it.

Hey, sorry you're in detention because of me.

What? I'm not here because of him. Well, technically, yes I am.

What do you mean?

I make sure Mr. M isn't looking and i pass the sheet back to him.

I get through reading a bit on the American revolution when he passes it to me again.

Mrs. Peletier caught you staring at me in science and then sent you to detention. So, yes it is my fault smartie pants.

I sighed. What do i say to this? I can't tell him he's in here because of me too, what if he's not? And i can't say yeah, can you not look so handsome?

But why are you in here?

I passed the note.

He soon passed it back.

Because I couldn't let an innocent cutie like you into your first detention all alone, of course ;)(especially when you're in here because of me)

My heart stops.

Did I really just read this? Is this what's really on the paper? Did I read it wrong?

I look over at Ron who was watching my whole reaction. He shrugged and smirked.

I look at the note again. There were even little hearts around it.

I can't even think of what to say, so i just draw a little heart underneath with polka dots and shakily pass it back to him. Oh jeez, my whole face is probably as red as a tomato.

He wrote back his phone number, and I gave him mine.

Soon, detention was over and everyone now everyone is packing up.

"I'll call you later, cutie," Ron said to me as he put his backpack on.

I smile and blush. "O-Okay."

He walks over to me and quickly kisses my cheek, then walks out of the room.

Best. Detention. Ever.

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