It's for us (part 2)

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Ron kept glancing at Carl.

And every time he did, Carl was never looking back. He never even looked in Ron's direction.

He sure was taking this whole "Negan can't find out about us" thing really seriously. They weren't even standing near each other.

Carl had already been to the sanctuary earlier that day, and now he was back. Alive. But he brought Negan and the saviors back with him.

Negan had already killed Spencer in the middle of a pool game, and now a savior had Rosita pinned on the ground after she tried to shoot Negan, but instead shot Lucille.

By the time the savior had cut Rosita's face with a knife, Ron had looked at Carl ten times, and not once did he look back.

"You are such a badass!" Negan laughed at Rosita.

He knew Rosita was lying about the home made bullet. Eugene made it, not her. But she did have a lot of guts to keep on denying. It even costed her a scar on her face.

Everyone looked terrified. Including Ron. Who knew what was going to happen next? Negan was known as a man who always had a secret surprise on its way or a trick up his sleeve.

Which was what made everybody even more terrified when he said, "Fine, have it your way," With a big grin on his face.

That grin meant nothing but trouble.

"Arat," He said, to the woman holding down Rosita. "Kill somebody."

'How can he say that in such a casual way? Someone is going to die and he's saying it in the same tone as someone would say 'I'm going to do my homework now,'' Thought Ron.

Ron looked at Carl. Carl was looking back at him. The fear inside Ron faded just a little bit.

Rosita's screaming rushed all the fear back into his body in a quick second. He averted his gaze to where everyone was looking.

"No! It was me!" She screamed.

Arat pulled out he gun and pointed it behind her. She fired it in less than a second.

In less than a second Ron was dead.

Carl almost fainted.

"No!" He shouted.

He jumped over the railing of the balcony and ran towards the body of his boyfriend.

Carl pushed people out of the way, not caring who they were or if it was Negan or not.

He bent down and cupped Ron's cheeks. The blood of the gunshot oozed out of his right cheek.

"No, no, no, no, no," He wept.

He stroked Ron's hair. It was still has soft as this morning.

"My baby," He whispered to himself, not expecting anyone to hear.

"Arat," Negan said. "You're not supposed to kill the kids!"

Negan walked over to Carl and crouched beside him.

"Was he your boyfriend or something, kid?" He asked.

Carl wiped his tears on his shirt and looked at Negan with the most furious and livid look a person could ever give.

"Woah, woah, woah, there," Negan smiled. "No need to have that look on your face. As much as you want to blame me, it wasn't my fault. And you know it."

Carl felt the urge to lunge at Negan. Maybe punch him. Maybe chance it and risk grabbing Lucille to smash his brains out. But he couldn't. Someone would stop him. Hurt him. Kill him. But it was better than being alive and following his rules.

With all his strength Carl held back from attacking. He was so close to actually jumping on Negan that he actually might have if his father walked into the scene one second later than he did.

"Rick!" Negan exclaimed.

"We had an agreement!" Rick shouted.

"Look everybody it's Rick!" He ignored. "Ah, your people are making me loose my voice doing all this yelling!"

Negan went on about how Rick should thank him. But Carl wasn't listening. He was still crying and stroking Ron's hair. Too busy to pay attention to anything but his dead lover.

"Your kid, he hid in one of my trucks and machine-gunned a bunch of my men, and I brough him back here, safe and sound! And, I fed him spaghetti!"

Carl didn't even look up. He knew he was going to get it from his dad later, but he didn't care.

"Oh, and about him," Negan pointed to Ron with Lucille.

"She," He swung the bat to point to Rosita, "Shot Lucille trying to kill me just now, so I gave you one less mouth to feed!"

He paused as he and Rick looked at Carl, and Ron's body.

"Now personally I wouldn't have chose your son's little boyfriend to be the one to go, but Arat, I don't know, didn't trust him." He continued.

'This day just gets worse and worse,' Carl thought. Now his dad knew. Now everyone knew.

"Your stuff's waiting for you at the gate. Just go." Rick commanded sternly.

Negan still managed to smile, "Sure thing. Right after I find the guy or gal who made this bullet."

Nobody said anything.

"Arat," He said, and she pointed it to Eric, about to fire.

"Wait!" Carl yelled.

"Got something to say, kid?" Negan asked.

Carl wobbily stood up and sniffled.

"It was me, it was all me, this is all my fault, I made the bullet." He choked out.

He looked believable. Like he wasn't lying. Which he was.

"Kill me, please," He begged.

And Carl looked so believable, that Arat shot him.


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