Back in New York

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New York- the most confusing city Newt had ever been in in all of his strange encounters and experiences. Strange lights, sounds, smells, and customs- he felt like he was walking on a field of grenades. After his encounters with MACUSA, he had promised himself (and Tina for that matter) to lead a quiet, less need-for-investigating life before he left Tina at the station- he never thought he'd be back where it all started.

He wasn't always sure how much he should be thinking about her. He worried that she hadn't thought of him as often as he thought of her. The past year in England had been refreshing, yes- his family was usually tolerable, even nice when he visited. Though, he had suspected it had something to do with the writing of his book. He was hoping it would do well. But he didn't want to release it to the public quite yet. There was someone he wanted to give it to first.

He felt better with Tina's approval, though he couldn't tell anyone why, he didn't quite know himself for that matter. All he really knew was that he missed her and was finally ready to see her.

A memory had been pressing in his mind lately.

Before he went to England, he still remembered when he stayed his last day at her apartment.

It was late in the night, his last there, and he had woken up in a cold sweat. He hadn't dreamed in ages, but he had dreamt for the first time, and of Tina. He couldn't forget the dream- he couldn't get the sound of her screaming out of his mind. He pulled over the covers and stepped out of bed, walking quietly down the hallway.

He entered the kitchen, where Tina was sipping hot chocolate, leaning against the stove. City lights streamed in through the windows, illuminating her figure. She wore a blue silk nightgown that barely flowed to her knees with soft slippers. Her skin seemed to glow white, her bare shoulders shivering. Her eyes softened as she saw him walk in.

"Bad dreams?" she asked knowingly.

"Precisely," he murmured, trying to focus on the floor as he stood next to her.

"Me too. Cocoa?" she offered. He looked up. "Um, sure?"

"Oh, that's horrible," she said, shaking her head. "You've never had hot cocoa before, have you?"

"Er, no, I can't say that I have," he said nervously. He sneaked up a glance at her facial expression. She was hiding a smile again, and he was relieved to see she was teasing.

"So, rough night?" she continued, as she pulled another mug out of the cupboard.

"Yes," he answered. "It's strange, I haven't dreamed in quite a while."

"Me neither," she said, as she stirred the hot water with the mix with a silver spoon. "I tend to be too tired to dream these days."

"I suspect that's why I didn't either," he said, accepting the mug and sipping. "Mercy Lewis, this is good."

Tina chuckled, but then a serious look entered her face. "Newt, I have to ask."

His heart beat started to accelerate. "Yes?"

"Are you really going to leave tomorrow?"

If only I didn't have to he thought. "Yes, I'm afraid I do." He sipped another, his mood starting to drop. "Notes to take, places to travel, chapters to write.." he trailed off, realizing that this once guaranteed his mood to lift, but now it sounded, well- dull.

Newt Returns to New York (Newtina Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now