Just like me: phan pt52

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*Dans Pov*

'Dan' He looked down. 'I'm ready now'

He knew he couldn't, he knew I couldn't, not tonight, not after what happened, and his leg, I sighed. It wasn't like I didn't want to, I mean, I wanted him more than anything, and to have his body on my body, or vise versa, skin on skin, and to have his everything...sounded so awfully amazing, but was so out of reach in that moment, even though we were less than inches apart. I mean I couldn't....we couldn't, could we?

'Phil' I said, my hands trembled under the water. 'Your leg knee though, and are you really rea-

'Yes' He interjected, his eyes were eager, he wanted it.

I didn't know if I had the power to touch him, I mean, any thing more than kissing and holding sounded out of the question...I didn't want to damage him again, he seemed so fragile, like one wrong move could break him to pieces.

'Dan...I love you, I-I' He stumbled over his words, biting his lip. 'You won't hurt me'

Fuck, he was sweet, I continued washing his knee, trying to figure out what to say next.

'Would that be easier if I got in the bath?' He asked, gesturing to the part of knee that I couldn't really wash.

'Uh...yeah, yeah it would probably um bu-

'I'll keep my pants on' 

'Yeah but take your shirt off' 

'Was that an order?' He winked.

'Can we try and make this as least kinky as possible? I'm just washing your leg right now' I mumbled.

You're just washing his leg okay.

Phil pulled his shirt off, wincing as the material stuck to his cuts. I wanted to help him, I wanted to sew up his cuts and tell him everything in life was okay, but I didn't want to lie to him, because it wasn't. there was still so much we hadn't discussed, like where he was going after this, where I was going after this, how I technically killed- I couldn't think about that then. Because in that moment, all that mattered was me, Phil, and the fact that Phil had just removed his sweat pants and I was probably going to get a boner in the next 3 seconds... fuck. 

Phil clambered into the bath, with some help from me, and sat there in the lukewarm water.

'It's a bit cold' He said, waving his hands through the water.

'Oh, sorry I'll heat it up' I nodded, running the warm tap.

'You know what would heat it up?' He asked, a small smirk growing on his face. I didn't think Phil could get like that, he always seemed so innocent.

'What Phil?' I sighed.

'If you got in' He murmured. 

That tears it.

'Aren't you in agonizing pain, Phil. Don't you want to wait, to make it special, to make it...to make it perfect?' I stuttered.

'You don't get it do you?' He paused. 'I didn't think you were going to live Dan, I didn't think I was going to live...I'm the happiest I've been in a long time, my leg doesn't bother me that much, I mean it's clean now. Anyway, I'm just trying to say, it's never going to be perfect, Dan, nothing's perfect, but somtimes you just have to take a chance and hope it ends up that way'

He looked at me from inside that bath, and I looked at him, every corner of his body, his bruises and scratches, his pale skin, his deep blue eyes and his set of perfect pink lips. 

'You're wrong' I whispered.

'What do you mean?' He asked.

'You're perfect' 

A smile formed on his face, and he bit his lip. I couldn't help myself anymore, I yanked my shirt off and attached our lips, the motion was so natural, my heart skipped a beat when he began to kiss back. He pulled back but just for a moment.

'Dan' He breathed. 'Get in the bath'

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