Just like me: phan pt19

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*phils pov*
We were safe, well, safe enough to be together, I hoped. I stretched my leg out in front of Dan, and rolled my sweat pants up, it still ached, and it must have been pretty bad, because dans face was a plastered mask of shock and horror when he saw it.
'Phil, we really need to get you to a hospital, because...it's gotten worse' Dan tried to remain calm so he wouldn't worry me, but it was pretty obvious that he was really distressed. 'How much does it hurt?'
'Alot' I grimaced, it was probably the worst pain I've ever felt, worse than anything dans group had ever done to me, and that was saying a lot. Dan was looking over me, from my knee, to the cuts on my arm and to the bruises on my face. He softly stroked my cheek with the back of his hand, his face said 'I'm sorry' but it was clear he couldn't get the words out. He sniffed back the tears so I wouldn't see them, but I did.
'I don't deserve you' he sighed, staring at the ceiling, 'you should have so much more'
I took his hand in mine and squeezed it, 'don't say that' I whispered and moved my face so close to his that there was hardly anything left separating us, he looked me in the eyes as we stayed there for a moment feeling each others warm breath, I closed the gap as our lips met, Dan wrapped his arms around the back of my head, and pulled me in closer, his lips moved slowly, I moved mine to his neck, nipping and biting him occasionally, he let out small whimpers occasionally, which drove me crazy. Dan pulled me in closer, I gripped his hips tightly and continued to kiss my way back up to his lips. I was starting to feel better again, actually alive, when dans phone went off, Dan sighed.
'Go check it' I motioned to his phone, 'it might be important'
Dan nodded sadly, getting his phone out of his pocket. He unlocked the smart phone, and a worried expression appeared on his face.
'Dan, what's wrong?' I asked.
He bit his lip anxiously.
'Phil, we need to get you out of the house' he put his phone in his pocket, slung his bag over his shoulder, and stood up 'Now'.
*dans pov*
They were coming, apparently. In second period, which was English, a class which had me, Matt and James in it, James had asked Matt where he'd been because, he was late, obviously talking to me, Matt refused to tell him, third period came and went and during lunch the group beat the shit out of Matt until he would say, and when he did he tried to explain but they just wouldn't listen, need I say with 4 big guys beating me all at once I would've told them aswell, it wasn't his fault, but they were on their way to phils house now, to finish what they'd started.
'Dan what do you mean? what's wrong?' Phil asked frantically.
'It doesn't matter right now, Phil, listen, please, we need to go!' I started pacing around bathroom trying to remain calm.
'Dan' Phil's voice was quite. 'I can't move'
'Can you limp? I can help you' I reassured.
'No Dan, I really can't move my leg, it's gone numb' Phil looked just as stressed as I was, he kept biting his lip, unsure of what to do, I bent down to where he was sitting.
'Ill carry you'

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