[15] Awake

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*Note: I know I said I'd post an epilogue, but this is a brand new chapter, chapter 15. Sorry bout the incredibly wrong wait! Enjoy!

Screaming. I'm screaming, kicking, crying. Nightmares of the arena flood my mind, making me squirm and sweat. They aren't leaving. I don't think they will ever leave me, for a very long time...

I get up, seeing bright, white lights that slowly fade and clear my vision. There is a sickening atmosphere around me. A sharp pain stabs me in the side, staying there for what seems like forever. I slowly lift my shirt up. I am still wearing the same shirt from when I was in the arena, the shirt under my maroon jacket. I see a scar, a fresh scar, and stitches near my rib cage. Did I win the 74th Annual Hunger Games? I can't really remember anything except for the darkness taking over my vision, as soon as I collapsed while atop the cornucopia.

I don't even know where I am. Am I back in District 2? Am I in the Capitol? I don't know. There is no one here. I'm alone. What am I doing here alone?

"Check up on her. I think she's up," I hear an unfamiliar voice say. And then I hear a familiar voice... A scream... I'm slowly matching it up, remembering... Thresh. It's Thresh. But I could have sworn I heard one last canon go off before I had collapsed. Thresh is alive...? I can't grasp any of this, I don't understand, I-

"Clove! You're up!" I see Crucis in front of me, with a relieved smile on his face.

"Crucis!" I cry, and try to get up to give him a big hug, right before I am taken aback by the sight of a tall, plump man with white hair and a white beard. President Snow. I collapse back into my bed with my jaws hung down, mouth wide open, sweat trickling down my forehead.

"Hello, Miss Sevina," President Snow says with a smile on his face. A frightening smile. Kind of like a smirk... Soon, a stench of blood mixed with the once pleasant aroma of roses clogs my nose. It's foul.

"You're brave, Clove, you're brave," I tell myself repeatedly in my head.

"Hello, President Snow," I squeak. I clear my throat, "Hello, President Snow." I say once more, confidently, pretending as if nothing is bothering me at all.

"So, you are probably wondering what you're doing here? I wouldn't congratulate you just yet, and I wouldn't feel relieved or happy in any way if I were you," blurts President Snow, deliberately trying to terrify me. What could he possibly do? Throw me back into the arena? No, he'd never do that...

"Well, I'd love for you to tell me what's going on," I smile sarcastically. Crucis just stands there, warning and signalling me with his eyes for me to watch my words.

I realize he's right. "As you probably don't know, your fellow tribute, Thresh from district eleven, is still alive. There was a malfunction in the arena with the Gamemakers. Oh, the silly Gamemakers," he laughs. So Thresh actually is still alive. It was Thresh's scream I just heard. "But that doesn't change anything. To serve as a reminder that whoever rebelled got punished, by entering The Hunger Games, Miss Sevina, you aren't done. You aren't done with the games, not just yet, no. Definitely not."

I gasp. I can't help it from escaping. I am going back into the arena? What?

"No, no. No. I am not going back into that arena. You son of a-

Before I can continue and snatch the needle with dangerous liquid inside from on top of the table across my bed in my room, in which I was planning to stab President Snow profusely with, I get pinned to the ground. I get jabbed and lay on the floor. My eyes and mouth are wide open and I lay there for the next few minutes, absolutely paralysed.


TA DA!!! DONE!! guys, i am so sorry for taking YEARS to upload this, but i was procrastinating so much, i

anyway, i reaaaaally hope you enjoyed that, and i really really hope i can upload soon again!!! this is getting interesting, eh? :P anyway, thank you if you've been following till this point. i love you all very much!!! <3

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