[5] Tribute Parade

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"District 2, Masonry. I think I am going to put you into something gold. I will tell Paige, too, Cato's stylist. You are going to look beautiful tonight," says my stylist, Crucis.

I know I am going to look beautiful. Gold is beautiful. I wonder if I'll outshine the other girl tributes. I also wonder what Cato is wearing... Well, who cares. I know I'll look flawless, judging that I'm going to be made beautiful by Crucis' hands, and by all accounts, unforgettable. I can't wait to see my dress. 

"Wow, that sounds amazing. I can't wait," I say to Crucis, and give him a smile. 

I slip into my gold outfit. This outfit is absolutely amazing! I look beautiful, just like Crucis said I would. I look just right. I'm wearing a short golden sleeveless top with long, dark, tight golden pants. I am wearing flat light golden shoes, it doesn't really look golden, though. Crucis adds a small hammer to my head piece so it adds a touch of my district to my outfit, and he also puts a golden mask to fit over my eyes, on for me. I really love my outfit. It is quite feminine, but it makes me look fierce, just what I wanted myself to look like.

Crucis puts my hair down in what he calls a 'fishtail' braid. When he's done, I follow him out and we head to this big hall, with an entrance in the front. I see Cato, he is also dressed in gold, obviously. He also looks fierce. Together, Cato and I look threatening. That's good, now the tributes will be frightened of us. Just what we need.

We get onto the chariot, where the horses are going to be pulling us. I see all the other districts in their costumes, they look ridiculous. I also see District 12. Wow, dressed in black latex? That is truly ridiculous! Cato and I look the best. It's time for the horses to pull us now. I can't wait to see everyone's reaction when they see Cato and I.

I lose my train of thought when I hear Crucis say to Cato and I, "Don't forget to hold your hands up high!" What? Hold Cato's hands? This sounds bizarre. I do not want to hold his hand, but it's too late to tell Crucis that. The horses start pulling our Chariots. We ride through the middle, and I see loads of people on either side of us, buzzing with chatter. I suddenly feel a spark as Cato takes my hand and holds it up high. What am I feeling? I start feeling shy the minute Cato takes my hand. Am I developing feelings for Cato Cronin? I try not to show it.

I then hear Caesar talking about our outfits. He says Cato and I look spectacular in gold, and it reflects our district very well. He starts talking about the other districts as we move and I hear people cheering even louder now, as he moves to District 12. Why? They're just dressed in black latex. What's so amazing about that? I then turn my attention to the large screen they show of each of our chariots, and see District 12. They're not just dressed in latex. There's fire following them.

What? What's going on? They're outshining Cato and I! This is not good. We're supposed to be in the spotlight, but 12 is taking that away. The cheering starts to get louder. People are throwing roses and flowers at them. They're holding they're hands up high, too. I start to feel fire burning in myself, too. I am not happy. 

Our chariots stop at the end of the path. Our chariots are in a circle. I see president Snow up on the balcony.  "Welcome. Tributes, we welcome you. We salute courage, and your sacrifice. We wish you, 'Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour'."  The horses take us back on our chariots to the hall.

I get off the chariot, still thinking about Cato, thinking what I feel about him, knowing I can't be weak. I'm perplexed. I can't fall for him. "That was great," Cato says, and smiles at me. "Yes, it was," I lie, and smile back at him. I turn my head to the District 12 pair. The girl, she seems like competition, but the boy seems weak. I wonder what their skills are. Well, I'll find out tomorrow during training at the training center.

Eustacia, Enobaria and Brutus compliment Cato and I, and we head to the elevator, back to our floor of the penthouse. I head to my room, change out of my costume and into sleeping clothes they provide you with. I got a black silk dress. 

"Clove, come on, quick," calls Enobaria from outside my room. I see the avox girl still standing there, as still as a statue, but I ignore her. I wonder why Enobaria is calling me... I see everyone sitting on the couch in front of the Capitol television screen. They're watching the reapings. I wonder why Enobaria called me urgently. I sit beside her and turn my attention towards the television. I am puzzled for a second, but I finally come to my senses. She volunteered as tribute. District 12's very first volunteer. The girl.

Her name is Katniss Everdeen, she's dangerous. Why would she volunteer? Has she been training since she was young, like Cato and I? No, that's impossible. I need to find out her skills, and I need to do it before we enter the arena in two days' time. "Dinner time!" calls Eustacia from the dining room. I get up and head to the dining room, immediately, I take my seat. A feeling of timidness overcomes me. This is not happening.

This is not happening.


If you liked this chapter, please vote! Thank you :) Done with chapter 5, FINALLY. Sorry I took so long lol :P So what do you think? Clato? ;D Can't wait to post the training scene and everything. Hope you liked it! :DDD

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