[4] The Capitol

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We have been talking for about half an hour, Brutus, Enobaria, Cato and I. Eustacia was just sitting on her own, sipping a cup of tea and reading a book. I still can't figure out Cato's plan, though. I still don't know what he's trying to do, but I think I have a strategy to find out...

We arrive at the Capitol. Finally. The moment I've been waiting for. I can't wait to see how fancy this place is. As soon as I get off the train, I see a load of people, from the Capitol, of course, waving at Cato and I. I might just get quite a few sponsors in the arena, seeing how much they love me already. Or should I say us.

I see a man with a pink colored dog. I don't even know if he's a man, it's actually really hard to tell with the way they dress and the amount of makeup they cake on their faces. That person actually painted his or her dog pink. That is really bizarre, but I guess that's just people from the Capitol. They are all dressed in crazy, colorful outfits that do not match. Suddenly, I can't wait to get into the arena, more than ever. I just know I'm going to get a few sponsors. That will definitely help me win the games.

I follow Enobaria, Brutus and Eustacia into our penthouse. This is where we will be staying until the games begin, and they send us into the arena. We are on the second floor, as we're from District 2. It looks really nice, and I admire it as Eustacia takes me to my room. The room is spectacular, and has it's own bathroom. One of the few perks of being in the Hunger Games! You get to experience all of these amazing things. I can't wait.

I head to the hall where Eustacia is waiting, as I notice a girl standing outside my room. She is dressed in red, and has red hair. I begin to notice what she is, and why she's here. She's an avox. She rebelled against the Capitol by acting foolishly of some sort. They cut out her tongue, and now she can't speak and has to serve all the tributes that come and go. Well it serves her right, I guess. I mean, why would you do such a foolish thing? I ignore her and move on.

"Come on, Clove! We have to get you ready for the tribute parade tonight," Eustacia calls. I don't exactly understand what there is to get ready for, except for my outfit. What exactly are they going to do to me for tonight? I guess I'm going to find out. I take the elevator down as I enter a room and see a few people. I think they're stylists. Right. That's what they're going to do to me for tonight.

I follow their instructions, first, the get me to change into a loose gown, kind of like the type they make you wear when you are in the hospital, then, they get me to lie down on this soft, cushion bed. I do so, and before I know it, I feel the pain coming from my legs. They are taking a sticky strip of something, I'm not sure what it is, but I try to lay as still as I can as they press the sticky strip on my leg, and quickly rip it off. I try not to let a squeal of pain escape my lips, but it seems like I just close my eyes, and suddenly they're done.

I open my eyes, and see them hosing me down. I don't know why they're doing this, but my legs feel slimy and I guess they're getting rid of what's left on my legs. I see my 'stylists' whispering amongst each other and I wonder what they're talking about just as they tell me that they're going to send me to Crucis, my main stylist, to see what he can dress me in for the tribute parade.

They send me to a room as I sit down on a metal bed and wait for Crucis, my main stylist, to enter. I can't wait to see what I'm going to be dressed in! This is going to be exciting. I can't wait for everything, to show off my skills in the training centre to the other tributes, to make sure they're afraid of me. I can't wait to show my skills off to the gamemakers. My stylist, Crucis, finally enters the room and smiles at me. I can't wait for tonight.

I know I'm going to look beautiful, but fierce.


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