[3] The Train

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I enter the Justice Building, where I meet my mother and my little brother. I see tears in my brother's eyes, but I tell him that I'm going to win, and he has nothing to be worried about. I'll be back home with him safe and sound. I love my brother, and if anything happened to him, I wouldn't be the same.

"Clove, be careful. I know you will be one of the strongest tributes there. You're intelligent, and you know how to hunt and throw knives. I know you'll win, Clove. I love you", my mother says and then gives me a reassuring hug.

"Thanks, mom. I know I can win this. I'll win for you, and him, I know I will.", I say, looking at my brother. "I went hunting this morning, I got you a huge deer for venison stew, it should be enough, and some squirrels and birds. It should all last long enough, and if it doesn't, just trade with some peacekeepers, alright? You'll have to," I instruct, and my mother just nods. 

The peacekeepers come in to take them away, and just as they're leaving the doors, I cry, "I love you!" I am determined to win. But one thing's for sure, I'm not determined to face Cato. We're in the same district, I obviously can't ignore him, can I? I can't appear as obnoxious, that won't help me in the games. I may have to form an alliance with him in the arena... Four of us, the tributes from District 1 and 2 are known as the careers. From the past games I've watched, the tributes from 1 and 2 always form an alliance. I think I have to. It'll only help me, or at least I think it will. We are supposed to appear as fierce and deadly. I'm pretty sure Cato and I are already acing at that, though. I just have to talk to him... Okay, I'll talk to him. On the train or something.

Our escort, Eustacia, takes us into the train, where we meet our mentors. District 2 has had a lot of victors, but some of them overdosed on drugs and some just died over the years. This year, our mentors are Enobaria and Brutus. I've seen her, Enobaria, she was the victor of the 62nd Hunger Games. She used her deadly teeth. She ripped the other tributes' throats out, I remember getting extremely frightened watching her. I am not sure about Brutus though. I know that Enobaria and Brutus were careers. They formed an alliance with District 1, during their own games. I suppose they're going to tell us to form an alliance, too.

"Congratulations," They say, as we enter the train. I sit down, and Enobaria and Brutus start heading to get some refreshments. We've barely been on the train five minutes, and they're already up for the refreshments. The train is moving extremely fast, but you can barely feel a thing! I've got to admit, the train is much fancier than I thought it would be. Imagine the Capitol... 

"Hey," Cato says, as he sits down beside me. I didn't think he'd talk to me first. I don't know what to say...  "Oh, hey Cato," I say. I emphasise Cato, meaning for him to understand that I already know his name.  He smiles. He's not be as arrogant and as rude as I thought he would be. Well, that's what's coming off so far.

"So, are you ready?," he asks. "What are your skills? I can tell you're a tough one, you've been training since you were born, haven't you?", asks Brutus as he comes back with a drink in his hand and sits himself down, opposite me and beside Cato.

"Yes, of course I'm ready. I am. I have been training ever since I was old enough, and I am tough. I know I can win, and my skills; well my skills are knife throwing. I am pretty good at it. I stand a good chance," I answer, not making myself look weak. I'm not weak.

"Well, I know you're tough. I'm good with a sword. I'm big, I'm strong. I stand a high chance of winning, too, not just you," says Cato. What is he trying to do? Is he trying to play a trick on me? Make me hate him here in the Capitol, and then team up with me in the arena? What is Cato Cronin trying to do? The last time I saw this, I was thirteen. I watched the interviews, and the District 2 boy tribute came off as rude and obnoxious during the interviews and from what I saw. He made the girl tribute hate him. Then, in the arena, he played with her mind and pretended to be in love with her. When he knew she had fallen for the act, he finally killed her, in her sleep, but he wasn't the victor of the games. A District 1 boy killed him, they were the final two, and that's how it ended. Whatever Cato Cronin is trying to do, I have to find out.

And I need to do that fast.


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