[6] Confession

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We all take our seats at the dining table as the Avoxes serve us. This is extremely awkward. I'm wearing my night gown to dinner. I feel a chill run through me. Cato is sitting next to me. Cato. Brutal, tough, Cato. I know I have feelings for him, but I wonder if he feels the same about me. I never knew him back in District 2, until the reaping, so why am I even developing feelings for him? I haven't found out what his strategy is, as well.

We eat beef soup with carrots and onions for dinner, along with wine. Wow, food in the Capitol is so... fancy! Well, obviously. It's the Capitol. I have never really tried wine before. I take a sip, and immediately feel burning in my chest. It's bitter, and I hate it. How could anyone possibly like wine? Well, I know for a fact that Brutus, Enobaria, Eustacia and Crucis love wine. They even drank a few glasses of it on the train, well except for Crucis, because he wasn't there, but now he seems to indulge in it. Cato? Well, my eyes are not fixated on Cato. I don't want to look at him...

We try to converse with each other during dinner, but most importantly, Brutus asks Cato and I if we'd like to train separately or together tomorrow. I wouldn't train separately, it might be a threat to Cato, and even though we're from the same district, he might be out to get me, seeing my feistyness if I decide to train alone, which I'm totally not going to do. I wait for Cato's answer and look at him, he looks at me as well.

"I'm not training separately, if that's okay with you," he says, waiting for my response.

Dazed in his eyes, I come to my senses and immediately say, "Yeah, sure. I don't mind."

Thank goodness. At least now I know he's not going to be out to get me. Or is he...

We continue to have a conversation throughout dinner, and as soon as we're done, we have desert. Chocolate covered strawberries, what a luxury. After I eat, I excuse myself and head to my room. This has been a long day. I think it's time to go to bed... But I can't stop thinking of Cato, of that girl that volunteered... and tomorrow, we're having our interviews with Caesar Flickerman. It's going to be another long day, but imagine the arena. Well, this is what I volunteered for. I still can't wait to enter the arena. It's going to be great, I'll be able to show off my amazing skills to Panem.

I put on a robe they provide and slip underneath the covers. I close my eyes, but a train of thoughts are running through my head. I can't sleep, and it's about ten o'clock. I get up, walk down the hall and notice some steps. I let my feet lead me up and see a beautiful rooftop, with an amazing view of fireworks. The citizens of the Capitol must be welcoming us.

Suddenly, I notice Cato. Oh no, Cato. The boy I have feelings for, which I'm trying to hide.

"Hey, Cato," I say. Startled, he looks at me. "Hey," he says back.

I move over to him and sit beside him, with the beautiful view in front of us.

"Couldn't sleep?" he asks.

"Yeah, pretty much. Too many thoughts running through my mind." I say.

"Like what?" he asks again.

"The girl from District 12, the arena, the training, everything." I explain.

"Oh... Me too. I have something to tell you, Clove."

"What is it?"

"This is so sudden, but please don't judge me. I'm sorry, but... I like you, Clove."

Wow. A spark just went off inside me. Cato? Cato likes me? No way. This is unbelievable.

"Well, to be honest, like you too, Cato. Ever since the we were in train. The parade. But don't you think it's a little weird as we're both in the same competition to fight to the death? The odds aren't exactly in our favour," I sigh.

"I know. I can't believe you like me, Clove, but I'll try to do whatever I can to protect you in the arena. I won't kill you, Clove, I'll protect you. You aren't like any of the other girls back in 2. You're different. You're fierce." he says.

I start to blush. "Thank you, Cato. I'll try to protect you, too. I know I'll still win the games, though, just you wait and see."

He smiles. I hope he knows I'm not joking! I'm actually being really honest.

"We should try to get some sleep, now. Long day ahead tomorrow, as usual. See you, Clove" he says.

"Yeah," I agree, "See you, Cato." and we both head down into our own rooms.

I can't believe Cato likes me. This is horrifying, to see the boy I like's face up in the sky, when they announce the fallen tributes in a few days. Why did I have to fall for a boy which I'm going to see dead? Why? This is a wreck. I have to protect him, but I also have to win. How does that work? I don't want to be weak for him, I can't if I'm to win the games, but I've just never fallen for any boy like this before. In fact, it's my first time.



So, what do you guys think about CLATOOOO?? <3 to me, it's reaally sweet, but sad at the same time. Twist: Katniss is a threat.... WHOOPS! :P Comment or tweet me what you think! :) also, if you enjoyed all my chapters, please don't forget to fan, vote and promote me? I would really like to know what you guys think of my story. Any suggestions on what I could do to improve it? I know you guys won't comment, so tweet me? @ahutch1999

Thanks for reading! Will probs post a new chapter on thursday or so! :) <3

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